


A Study of the Personality Traits,Work Attitude and Job Performance of the Iron Factory Staffs




鐵工廠 ; 人格特質 ; 工作態度 ; 工作績效 ; Iron Factory ; Personality Traits ; Work Attitude ; Job Performance












傳統產業面對全球性產業的改革製造工廠彼此激烈競爭,而德國近期已提出工業4.0新的工業革命發展,工業4.0以智慧化工廠為主軸,目標為了降低人力成本,提升大量化生產,增加國際市場競爭力。因此,企業們必須清楚瞭解目前台灣之產業結構,而製造業工廠除了仰賴機械化的技術,也須重視工廠內部的員工,人力資源為企業競爭力之核心來源。傳統產業製造工廠人力為基本需求,因應業務需求以及市場競爭,工廠人員需要有效率生產,不同產業領域需要不同人格特質之人才,針對該產業所需的人力資源,遴選出適當人格特質之人才,將適合的人才放在適當的職務,不但能促使工作能事半功倍,也能降低人才流動率,減少企業員工訓練之人力成本。 因此本研究目的在探討鐵工廠人員人格特質、工作態度及工作績效組織間相互關係,以鐵工廠之工廠人員為研究對象,以問卷調查方式施測,本調查記發出300份,回收262份,經刪除回答不完整之問卷後,有效問卷為260份,有效回收率為86.7%。回收有效問卷資料以SPSS19.0中文版進行分析,採用敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及簡單迴歸分析,進行假設驗證。 經研究分析後獲得以下結論:1.不同人口背景變項之鐵工廠人員對人格特質有顯著差異部份成立。2.不同人口背景變項之鐵工廠人員對工作態度有顯著差異部份成立。3.不同人口背景變項之鐵工廠人員對工作績效有顯著差異部份成立。4.工廠人員人格特質與工作態度有相關部份成立。5.工廠人員人格特質與工作績效有相關部份成立。6.工廠人員工作態度與工作績效有相關成立。藉由此研究結果與建議,希望未來能提供各相關產業做為依據之參考,以協助企業有效地提高大量生產以及增強企業國際競爭力。


Traditional industries face the innovation of the global industry and manufacturing plants compete fiercely with each other. And Germany has recently proposed industrial 4.0 that is a new industrial revolution development. The main axis of Industry 4.0 is wisdom chemical plant.The goal of Industry 4.0 is to reduce labor costs, enhance mass production and increase international market competitiveness.Therefore, enterprises must clearly understand the industrial structure in Taiwan. The manufacturing plants rely on mechanized technology, but also pay much attention to the staff of the factory.Because of the human resourceis core competitiveness of enterprises. The manpower is the basic requirementin the traditional industry manufacturing plant. The factory staff needstoefficiently produce, in order to cope with the business requirements and market competition. Different industries need the staffs with the different personality traits. To select the person who appropriate personality traits for the requirmentof human resources in the industry. Let the person who appropriates talent on the appropriate positions, not only can make the jobs can do more with less, but also reduce the turnover rate of staff.It can reduce the labor costs of enterprise staff training. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the personality traits, work attitude and work performance of the iron factory staffs. The iron factory staff as the object of study andstarted the questionnaire survey.A total of 300 questionnaires sent out and 262 were returned. After delete incomplete questionnaires, it got 260 effective quesionnaires and the returned percentage was 86.7%. The data was analyzed through descriptive analysis, independent t test, one-way ANOVA and simple regression analysis by SPSS19.0 Chinese version. The findings are as follows: 1). the demographic of staffs had a part of influence on the personality traits. 2). the demographic of staffs had a part of influence on the work attitude. 3).the demographic of staffs had a part of influence on the job performance. 4). the personality traitshave a part of statisticallysignificant on work attitude. 5). the personality traitshave statisticallysignificant on job performance. 6). the work attitude has statisticallysignificant on job performance. With the results and recommendations of this study, in the future, we hope that it can provide reference for the relevant industries as a basis to help enterprises to effectively increase the mass production and enhance the international competitiveness of enterprises.

主题分类 管理學院 > 管理碩博士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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