
海運公司財務績效及營運計畫之研究(以Vegetexco 之個案為例)


A study of financial efficiency & business project perspective of shipping company (A Case of Vegetexco Port JSC)




none ; Loan Document ; Feasibility Study ; perspective ; profitability ; financial condition














Along the growth and change of global industries, Shipping & Exploiting the Vessel has also signaled some breakthrough from extending operating size to disclosing new service programs. Picking up on this trends, some Vietnamese Shipping Companies have positively extended their business scale during last several years. Among them, Vegetexco Joint Stock Company can be seem a enterprise who marking remarkable instance in transforming business structure. From its former business function as Forwarding Company in the past, Vegetexco currently always keep holding the competing with other domestic shipping companies by adding more business strategies and consolidating its operation. By assessing current market condition, further predict new tendency in shipping & container lines, Vegetexco have foreseen the prospect of Exploiting the Vessel by Container Vessel. As shown in statistical data, despite of facing some consequences by economic crisis, the global shipping keep showing the positive signal in many aspects. In order to maintain his reputation and competitiveness, Vegetexco have gradually expanded their business from Terminal/Port operation to Shipping & Logistic service. Except for exploiting new container lines, Cargo fleet construction also become a main target for them during first generation. However, due to the “excessiveness” in vessel/dry dock market price, hence a part of total investment capital will be made by the Term-Loan from the Bank. Understanding this trend, staffs in Department of Business have to do the Feasibility Study for this project. Feasibility Study for Container Vessel Purchasing Project which has been prepared to submit to the Board of Director of Vegetexco Port JSC for their approval. Except for assessing the perspective of project, analysts need to point out the profitability during this time. Furthermore, to convince Bank leader to accept their Loan Document for Container Vessel Purchasing, they ought to show more about the advantage/positives in firm financial condition. There are totally three parts to appraise in this topic that composed of market perspective, expected profitability and financial position. Otherwise, analysts can withdraw an additional or sub service to support the firm in extending their profit, therefore construct a solid basis to submit to BOD and Bank leaders for their approval.

主题分类 管理學院 > 財務金融學系
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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