


Discussions of Online Game Users Consumer Behavior—A Case Study of the League of Legends




線上遊戲 ; 認知價值 ; 產品屬性 ; 購買意願 ; Online gaming ; perceived value ; product attributes ; purchase intention














The rapid growth of broadband internet makes online gaming companies quickly cumulative many member of loyal players to join the online game. Online games companies set up virtual platforms for players, and to exchange the information on the different players in the game and interactive. Players can use the game communication to enhance the emotion and solidarity with each other. This study presents a framework to explore the online game user behavior analysis. This schema includes three main dimensions: cognitive value, product attributes, and the purchase intentions. According to the analysis of the literature, cognitive value, product attributes and purchase intentions was collected. By means of the data collection and analysis through SPSS, Cognitive value, product attributes and purchase intentions were analysis to know the purchase influence. Purposive sampling approach was adopted by this study. Questionnaire was used for the “League of legends Game” targeted consumers. Totally, recycling 169 questionnaires of 185 were effectively recover (91.35%). Samples of structural analysis, basic data analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, reliability and validity, correlation and regression analysis were used to verify the assumptions in the study. According to the study, the research results showed that perceived value of online game user’s consumption behavior has a positive impact on purchase intention. When online game user perceived value is higher than the consumer will be more perceived the value of product, which brings higher consumer purchase intention. Product attributes of consumer behavior has a positive impact on purchase intent for game users. When online game user’s consumption behavior are higher degree of product attributes, the consumer purchase intention is also higher. The game company need to focus on these three impacts to the consumers. The research results provide references for marketing strategy of game industry.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 資訊管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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