


Relationships among knowledge,self efficacy, self management, social support and quality of life in Patients with epileptic




癲癇 ; 生活品質 ; 疾病知識 ; 自我效能 ; 自我管理 ; 社會支持 ; Epilepsy ; Quality of life ; Knowledge of epilepsy ; Self-efficacy ; Self-management ; Social support














The Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare recognized epilepsy as a chronic disease. The purpose of this study was to understand and promote the quality of life in patients with epilepsy. This study was designed to explore the relationship of the quality of life with the knowledge of epilepsy, self-efficacy, self-management, and social support. This is a cross-section study using structured questionnaire. The questionnaire includes knowledge of epilepsy, self-efficacy, self-management, social support, and quality of life. We used hierarchical regression analysis for data interpretation. Patients were enrolled from the neurological outpatient department in a medical center of the southern Taiwan. Patients aged older than 20 years old with the diagnosis of epilepsy will be included in the study. The questionnaire will be completed by the patient. Patient who have unclear consciousness were excluded. The effective sample size was 150. Our result showed a significant association between knowledge of epilepsy and the quality of life(β=.50,p<.001). A moderate associated was observed between self-management with knowledge of epilepsy and quality of life(β=.43,p<.001). According to the results of this study, medical staff should be based on individual differences in patients with this epilepsy and their families to provide disease-related knowledge and information. In addition, encourage participation in the epilepsy patients support groups. The better social support they were obtained, will be made to increase self-management and improve quality of life in patients with epilepsy.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫院管理與醫事行政
醫學院 > 醫務管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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