


A Study on the Factors of Voluntary Returning Employee back to the Company




自願性離職員工 ; 價值員工 ; 回任 ; 績效 ; 薪資 ; Voluntary returning employee ; Valuing employees ; Returning to original position ; Performance ; Wages












產業結構轉變的過程中,借助有經驗及管理能力的員工,是解決人力不足、招募新進員工及銜接公司管理之青黃不接時,最好的解決方法;因此,本研究邀請八位於企業界多年管理經驗的主管,對自願性離職回任的員工以管理者角度來探討為何選擇離職回任員工,並深入了解在不穩定的外在環境中,組織在哪些方面能帶給他們穩定的感受而願意讓他們持續付出。 員工離職造成的企業損失,除了有形的業績及工作成果與效率外,在知識與技能的轉移及人脈關係的喪失上更是難以估計,而如果再加計招募上所耗費的時間及培訓人員的費用上;人員離職的成本是十分可觀的,尤其是關鍵人才或主管的異動,更是有可能會「動搖國本」,影響企業的永續發展的。 企業在招募不易的現況下,留住人才是當務之急,從人才的離開時機與原因,可以發覺企業管理問題,在企業界常常發生主管帶領整批人員跳槽的現象,同時也常常聽到新主管如何逼退舊的員工,帶領自己人的狀況;而這些情形都會對企業造成嚴重的衝擊,也突顯企業組織的問題。 員工個人因素而造成離職的現象,有結婚、搬遷、進修、生育及家庭因素,這些都有可能導致員工離職,而許多屬於不可抗力的原因,組織無從預防。然而如果這些原因形成了工作進行上的障礙,就突顯出輪調、工作交接及接班人力的規劃未能落實,企業組織因應個人因素而離職的現象,除了設法讓工作銜接的順暢外,如果員工能基於對公司的歸屬感與向心力,願意提早告知公司,以方便因應及工作的交接,就能降低工作失控的風險及更可避免離職員工「留一手」的狀況! 公司經常面對員工離職的狀況,然而離職是一種現象,但隱藏在背後的管理缺失才是真正值得正視的問題,如果只是把「重視人才」掛在嘴邊,卻忽略了問題的改善,人才將成為企業的過客,而組織也無法產生長期穩定的績效! 經質性訪談並以敘說探究詮釋過後,發現管理者對自願性離職員工回任都基於過去與組織的互動,或是領導者及組織氛圍影響,以及加上對這份工作的興趣及專業,結論遂以內外部環境變化、組織層面及個人層面分析等作為總結。


The loss that employee resignation brings to a company includes tangible revenues, performance, and efficiency. Other losses like transfer of knowledge and skills, connections, etc. are immeasurable, leaving alone the time and training a company puts on recruitment. The cost of employee resignation is very immense, especially when it comes to the resignation of a key person or supervisor, a company’s foundation and its development can be hugely affected. During the transition of sector structure, experienced and managerial employees are hired to solve the problems that manpower shortage, new employees or management transfer result in. Thus, the study invites eight experienced managers to discuss why resigned employees are hired again from the view of managerial level. The study also tries to figure out what can an organization offer to those returned resigned employees and make them willing to contribute in unstable environment. In the unfriendly status for enterprise recruitment, keeping good employees is of the top priority. The timing and reasons of employees resignation reflect problems of enterprise management. Here are some commonly seen situations: a manager leads group resignation; or new managers force old employees to resign so that they can hire their own men. These situations will bring huge impacts to enterprise and highlight institutional problems. Some reasons of resignation are personal, such as movement, getting married, delivering babies, study or other family factors. Many are irresistible. Enterprises are not able to prevent. However, if these reasons hinder task fulfillment, planning for manpower of job takeover and switch are not fully executed. To handle employee resignation, an enterprise not only to smooth taking over process, but making employees notify it as early as possible on the basis of belonging and internal cohesion. The risk of out of control can be reduced and ready-to-resign employees would not hide some know-how to themselves. A company constantly faces employee resignation. Resignation is a phenomenon. What behind the phenomenon (management flaws) is a serious problems that every company has to deal with. If a company always talks about “valuing employees”, but neglects the real problems, employees will be its passer-bys. The organization could not produce a long-term and stable performance. Through qualitative interviews and explanation in narrative ways, the study found that why resigned employees are hired again is mostly based on the interaction between the employees and the organization or leadership and organizational atmosphere, and the interests and specialty the employees have. The study concludes with internal and external change of environments, organizational aspects and personal aspects.

主题分类 管理學院 > 管理碩博士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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