


Exploring the Persuasive Effects and Neural Activities of Message Framing on a Home-based Rehabilitation Program for Children with Disabilities




居家復健活動 ; 訊息框架 ; 雙面訊息 ; 自我效能 ; 神經行銷學 ; home-based rehabilitation programs ; message framing ; two-sided message ; self-efficacy ; neuromarketing












身心障礙的孩子若能從事大量的居家復健活動練習,不僅可以促進發展,還能增進獨立自主能力因此,如何設計訊息說服家長配合執行居家復健活動是一個重要的議題,本篇研究以展望理論為基礎,結合問卷和腦波儀探討不同訊息框架模式的長期說服效果,及自我效能的調節作用。 本研究共有82位身心障礙兒的母親參與,實驗1先運用腦波儀來檢測訊息對受測者專心和放鬆程度的影響力,及自我效能的調節效果,研究結果發現訊息框架直接影響專心與放鬆程度,且雙面訊息最能引起注意力,並與受測者的放鬆程度對居家復健活動的持續執行產生正向作用,不過,自我效能的調節效果卻不明顯。 實驗2以問卷來了解訊息框架對訊息接受度、態度、行為意向和行為頻率的持續改變是否也有效應在,從研究結果得知雙面訊息在行為意向和行為頻率的正向作用都比正向、負向訊息強上許多,至於自我效能的交互作用,只有行為頻率呈現顯著效果,值得注意的是,除了問卷,神經生理反應也可用來解釋行為改變變異量。 本研究提供實證結果支持比起正向和負向訊息,雙面訊息或許較能說服父母執行居家復健活動,雖然腦波儀在理論貢獻仍處於萌芽階段,但這些數據除了讓我們更加了解說服過程背後的生理機制,對訊息設計也提供實務應用上的貢獻。


For children with disability, a home-based program could increase their practicing chances to facilitate development and increase independence. How to design persuasive message to increase parents’ motivation and cooperation with home-based program was the important issue. From the view of prospect theory, this paper integrated questionnaire with the Mind Wave to investigate the long-term persuasive effects of message framing and the moderating influence of self-efficacy. 82 mothers of children with a disability participated in the research. In study 1, the Mind Wave was used to investigate participants’ attention level and relaxation level when receiving a message and the moderating effects of self-efficacy. The results supported that message framing had impact on parents’ attention and relaxation level and participants receiving two-sided message showed the highest attention level. Moreover, both message framing and relaxation level had significant influence on positive behavioral change. However, the moderating effect of self-efficacy was not supported. Study 2 applied the questionnaire to examine whether message framing predicted long-term change in message effectiveness, attitude, behavioral intention and behavioral frequency. The results demonstrated that two-sided message had stronger long-term persuasive effects on behavioral intention and behavioral frequency than gain- and loss-framed message. Only behavioral frequency was affected by framing ×self-efficacy interaction. One thing needed to notice was that physiological responses could be used to explain the variability in behavioral change beyond the questionnaire. The current research provided evidence that two-sided message rather than gain- and loss-framed messages might be the better strategy to prompt parents to engage home-based rehabilitation programs. Although the theoretical implications of Mind Wave were premature at this time, the current findings not only helped us have a deep understanding of physiological mechanisms underlying the persuasive process also gave us practical implications for designing message.

主题分类 管理學院 > 管理碩博士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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