


A Study of the Intention and Influence Factors to select the Service School of Military Training Instructors ---Taking the Military Training Instructors of Vocational High Schools in Kaohsiung City as An Example




工作意願 ; 生涯規劃 ; 軍訓教官 ; willingness of work ; life plan ; military instructor












軍訓教官從軍中轉任至教育部須透過考試錄取,錄取後必須接受為期一個月的職前教育始可分發到各學校服務,因此選擇自己想要服務的學校是所有軍訓教官轉任後所遇到的第一道難題。而且軍訓教官在同一所學校服務滿兩年即可再申請遷調其他學校,所以軍訓教官在其軍訓生涯中將可能有多次選校的機會,且會因各方面的因素而影響其選擇服務學校的意願。 本研究以高雄市高中職軍訓教官為例,透過問卷調查的方式,來探討軍訓教官選擇服務學校意願之影響因素,以了解當前軍訓教官會選擇自己想要服務學校意願及影響因素之關係,就研究結果可提供軍訓教官本身、軍訓主管、家屬和學校做為一個實務上的參考依據。 本研究設計採量化研究的問卷調查方式,以高雄市軍訓室下轄所屬軍訓教官合計206位為研究母體,運用SPSS統計套裝軟體執行項目分析、因素分析、描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗和單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析處理,綜合本研究之主要發現,可歸納出結論如下: 一、影響軍訓教官選擇服務學校意願之因素層面,以「家庭層面因素」影響程度較大,其次為「福利層面因素」。 二、影響軍訓教官選擇服務學校意願因素之所有題項,前三項依序為「學校對教官的友善態度」、「學校距離居住處的遠近」、「有無寒、暑假」。 三、不同性別的軍訓教官在影響選擇服務學校意願因素的「個人層面」、「家庭層面」和「學校層面」上有顯著差異;不同職務的軍訓教官在影響選擇服務學校意願因素的「個人層面」有顯著差異。


The military instructors require pass the qualification exam to transfer the position from military to ministry of education. The admitted military instructors must take one month pre-serving train before being assigned to schools. Thus, select the idea school to dedicate is their first problem. Military instructors can apply to transfer schools after serving for two years in the same school. Thus, each military instructor has several chances to select their service schools in their military life, and the factors in every aspect will influence the willingness of selecting service schools. This is a case study of military instructors in general and vocational high schools in Kaohsiung. The study applies questionnaire method to discuss the relationship between the willingness of military instructors select the service schools and the different background variables toward personal factor, family factor, school factor and other factors. This study aims at understanding the relationship between the willingness and influential factor while an instructor select the service school. The conclusion of this study can provide practical reference for military instructors, the supervisor, family members and schools. This questionnaire method of Quantitative research was used to collect the data. There were 206 questionnaire sent by mail, the data was analyzed by item analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistical analysis. T test analysis, one-way analysis of variance, and process deal with SPSS. Conclude the main findings and theresearch results are as follows: 1.Factors influencing the willingness of military instructors to serve schools will be influenced by "family level factors",followed by "welfare level factors". 2.The first three items were "Friendliness of the school instructor","Distance of the school to the place of residence" and "Whether there was any cold or summer vacation". 3.Military instructors of different genders, at the "individual level","family level" there are significant differences between the different levels of military instuctors in terms of their "willingness" and "school-level".

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 資訊管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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