Background and purpose: In recent years, our government units and medical institutions are actively planning and promoting electronic medical records. Not only to effectively using information technology to save manpower, resources and space, for medical institutions, but also to cut down the costs and to improve performance. However, the negative impact of information technology is slowly emerging, too. It is because the electronic medical records in the future are going to completely replace the paper medical records. The medical record department staffs could be negatively influenced by electronic medical records. This study is specifically for this phenomenon.
Materials and Methods: Based on the literatures of electronic medical records, five variables including techno overload, techno invasion, techno complexity, techno insecurity and techno uncertainty, are proposed and used to predict the determinants of work exhaustion and work performance of the medical record department staffs.
Results And Conclusion: Totally, 235 questionnaires were distributed and 204 valid questionnaires were collected. The response rate was 86.8%. The result was analyzed by the factor analysis (including reliability and validity test) and the structural equation modeling. In the five independent variables, the techno overload (β = 0.259, p< .001), techno invasion (β= 0.160, p < .05), the techno complexity (β = 0.257, p < .001), and techno uncertainty (β = -0.125, p< .05) could significantly predict the work exhaustion of the medical record department staffs. Further, work exhaustion (β = -0.377, p< .001) can be used to predict the work performance of the medical record department staffs. According to the result of the data analysis, this study recommends that the hospital organizational managers should regularly take the initiative to understand and improve the determinants of work exhaustion and the work performance of the medical record department staffs. The medical record department staffs can thus reduce the work exhaustion which was caused by the electronic medical records. In the view of this, the medical record department staffs can also improve their work performance.
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