


Using Technology Acceptance Model to Explore Intention to Use Research of Parent-teacher Communication by Internet Communities - A Case Study of Kaohsiung Young Teachers Mobile Devices Line Partners




親師溝通 ; 社會網路即 ; 時通訊軟體 ; 網路社群 ; Parent-teacher communication ; social networks ; instant messaging software ; the Internet community












利用科技接受模式作為本研究立論基礎,本研究探討高雄市幼教師持續使用即時通訊軟體line群組來做為親師溝通的行為意圖,並提出研究的架構,建構出適合於持續採用即時通訊軟體進行親師溝通之研究模型。並對模式中科技接受模式的各項變數對「持續採用即時通訊軟體Line App意圖」的相互影響設計採用結構式問卷調查方式進行研究,編製出「行動裝置Line群組應用於親師溝通之幼教師意願調查問卷」之問卷,研究針對高雄市公私立幼兒園教師之研究。研究發放220份問卷,最終回收有效問卷200份,並運用SPSS軟體來執行統計與分析。 根據研究結果,顯示幼教師對行動裝置Line群組應用於親師溝通之使用態度越正向,其使用意願也越高。研究最終也顯示本研究所架設的八個構面都達顯著程度,ㄧ、幼兒園教師使用行動裝置Line群組使用者的主觀規範與使用者行為意圖間有顯著正向關聯,二、幼兒園教師使用行動裝置Line群組使用者的主觀規範與使用者知覺有用性有顯著正向關聯。三、幼兒園教師使用行動裝置Line群組使用者的形象與使用者知覺有用性間有顯著正向關聯。四、幼兒園教師使用行動裝置Line群組使用者的工作相關性與使用者知覺有用性有顯著正向關聯。五、幼兒園教師使用行動裝置Line群組使用者的結果明確性與使用者知覺有用性有顯著正向關聯。六、幼兒園教師使用行動裝置Line群組使用者的知覺易用性與使用者知覺有用性有顯著正向關聯。七、幼兒園教師使用行動裝置Line群組使用者的知覺有用性與使用者行為意圖有顯著正向關聯。八、幼兒園教師使用行動裝置Line群組使用者的知覺易用性與使用者行為意圖有顯著正向關聯。也因此可證明本研究能夠有效的預測與解釋幼教師持續採用即時通訊軟體進行親師溝通之意圖。 最後,提出本研究結果的學術貢獻及在教學實務上的意涵,以供後面的研究者做為參考。


This study takes the technology acceptance model as the theoretical basis to explore the behavior intention of the kindergarten teachers in Kaohsiung City to continue to use the instant messaging software line group to carry on the teacher's communication intention, and further proposes the structure of this research, constructs the research model for continuous use of instant messaging software to carry out the parent-child and teacher communicates. And the interaction of the technology acceptance model in the model on the "continuous use of instant messaging software Line App intention" of the interaction design using structured questionnaire survey, the preparation of the "mobile device line group applied to communicate the young teacher 's Willingness Questionnaire "to study the research of teachers in public and private kindergartens in Kaohsiung City. Study and issue 220 questionnaires, the final recovery of 200 valid questionnaires, and the use of SPSS software to perform statistics and analysis. According to the results of the study, it shows that the use of the teacher is more positive for the use of the line group and the willingness to use. The study also showed that the eight facets set up in this study were significant. First, there was a significant positive correlation between the subjective norms of the users of the kindergarten teachers using the mobile device line group and the user's behavioral intentions. Second, the subjective specification of the mobile line group user has a significant positive association with user perceived usability. Third, kindergarten teachers use the mobile device Line group user's image and the user perceived usefulness between the significant positive correlation. Fourth, kindergarten teachers use mobile devices Line group users working relevance and user perception has a significant positive correlation. Fifth, kindergarten teachers use mobile devices Line group users of the results of clarity and the user perceived usefulness has a significant positive correlation. Six, kindergarten teachers use mobile devices Line group users perceived ease of use and user perceived usefulness has a significant positive correlation. Seven, kindergarten teachers use mobile devices Line group users perceived usefulness and the user behavior intention has a significant positive correlation. Eight, kindergarten teachers use mobile devices Line group users perceived ease of use and user behavior intention to have a significant positive correlation. And therefore can prove that this study can effectively predict and explain the young teachers continue to use instant messaging software to communicate with the intention of the teacher. Finally, the academic contribution of the results of this study and the meaning of teaching practice are put forward for reference by the latter researchers. Keywords: Parent-teacher communication, social networks, instant messaging software, the Internet community.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 資訊管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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