


Relationships among Learning Motivation, Learning Satisfaction and Learning Effectiveness for Experience Program of The National Defense Education: A Case Study in Pingtung County Middle School




全民國防教育 ; 體驗 ; 學習動機 ; 學習滿意度 ; 學習成效 ; national defense education ; experience program ; learning motivation ; learning satisfaction ; learning efficiency












本研究方法採用以問卷調查法,問卷發放方式採立意抽樣法,針對屏東縣完全中學參與全民國防教育體驗課程的高中部高一必修全民國防教育學生為研究對象發放問卷,共發出910份,回收853份。 其研究結果為以下八點:一、不同性別之學習動機、學習滿意度與學習成效之差異比較,男性在學習動機上有較強的慾望。二、經濟尚可的學生在學習滿意度及學習成效較明顯,學習動機、學習滿意度分層面及學習成效呈中度正相關。三、學生家庭經濟狀況小康、富裕,並以升學為主,有意願就讀軍校較低落。四、有意願讀軍校之學生,在學習動機、學習滿意度明顯於升學為主的學生。五、有意願讀軍校之學生,在學習滿意度、學習成效明顯於升學為主的學生。六、學習動機的分層面中,期望成份動機較能顯著預測「學習成效」。七、學習動機的分層面中,期望成份動機較能顯著預測「學習滿意度」。八,學習滿意度及學習成效間,以「教學學習滿意度」及「行政學習滿意度」具有預測力。


This research mainly focuses on the connections among the learning motivations, learning satisfaction and learning achievement of National Defense Education in Pingtung County Middle School. In the study, a questionnaire survey method is used, and it was distributed by purposive sampling. The participants are the high school freshmen of Pingtung County Middle School who took the course “National Defense Education Experience Program.” The total response rate is 93.7% (853 out of 910). The main findings are as follows: 1.There were significant differences among learning motivation, learning satisfaction, and learning achievement between genders. Male students have stronger learning desires. 2. The students who grew up in the family of standard economy state have better performance on learning satisfaction, and learning achievement. And learning motivation, learning satisfaction, and learning achievement indicated moderate correlation. 3.Students from middle-class family mainly go on to higher level of education, and their intents of going to military school are lower. 4.The students who intent to go to military school have higher leaning motivation and learning satisfaction than those who want to go to higher level of education. 5.The students who intent to go to military school have higher leaning motivation and learning efficiency than those who want to go to higher level of education. 6.In the sub-level of learning motivation, desirable ingredients motivation can predict significant "learning outcomes." 7.In the sub-level of learning motivation, desirable ingredients motivation can predict significant "learning satisfaction." 8.Between learning satisfaction and learning efficiency, "Teaching and Learning Satisfaction" and "administrative learning satisfaction" have predictive power.

主题分类 管理學院 > 工業管理學系
工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 管理學
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