


Family support and learned resourcefulness as factors impact on the quality of life among patient with methadone maintenance therapy




美沙冬維持治療 ; 家庭支持 ; 習得智謀 ; 生活品質 ; methadone maintenance therapy ; family support ; learned resourcefulness ; quality of life












由於國內外研究顯示家庭支持對於持續接受美沙冬維持治療 (MMT) 存在相當程度的關聯性,而習得智謀則能有效提升個人適應能力並增進生活滿意度。故本研究旨在探討接受美沙冬維持治療的海洛因成癮者,其基本屬性與生活品質的關係,以及家庭支持、習得智謀對生活品質的影響。本研究採橫斷性、相關性研究設計,以南台灣某精神專科醫院的200位接受美沙冬維持治療者為研究對象。測量工具包含家庭支持量表、自我控制量表與台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質量表(The World Health Organization Questionnaire on Quality of Life: Short Form--Taiwan Version, The WHOQOL-BREF--Taiwan version),並以描述性統計、t 檢定、皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析與多元迴歸進行資料分析。 研究結果發現,接受美沙冬維持治療者以男性、未婚居多,平均年齡43.52歲,整體生活品質及生理、心理、社會關係和環境等四層面的生活品質均在中等程度;性別、婚姻、工作、戒海洛因次數、是否仍續用毒及規律服用美沙冬等基本屬性,在整體生活品質之滿意感受程度有顯著差異,且生活品質會因年齡增長而略下降,家庭月收入越高,其整體生活品質越好。而家庭支持、習得智謀與整體生活品質及四個層面(生理、心理、社會關係與環境)皆呈現顯著正相關。另在控制個人變項之影響力後,家庭支持與習得智謀為接受美沙冬維持治療之成癮者生活品質的重要預測因子。 本研究結果顯示,對於海洛因成癮者,應多鼓勵規律服用美沙冬,並透過工作及家庭支持,協助將其轉化或內化為習得智謀的自我控制,避免再次使用海洛因或其他毒品物質,提升生活品質。


The studies explored that the relationship of family support and methadone maintenance therapy (MMT), and the learned resourcefulness were able to effectively enhance individual adaptability and there were a higher life satisfaction.Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the demographic variables and quality of life (QOL), and to compare the effects of the family support, learned resourcefulness on the QOL among the heroin addicts receiving MMT. A cross-sectional correlation design was adopted and totally recruited 200 subjects who receiving MMT from the psychiatric hospital in southern Taiwan. The structural questionnaires included “ Family Support Scale”,” Self-Control Scale” and “The World Health Organization Questionnaire on Quality of Life: Short Form--Taiwan Version”(The WHOQOL-BREF--Taiwan version). The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Persons correlation, one-way ANOVA , and multiple regression analysis . The Study findings that most subjects were male, single , and average age was 43.52 years old. The overall quality of life, physical health, psychological, social relationships, and environment for the four domains of the WHOQOL-BREF were moderate level. There were significant differences in satisfaction with the overall quality of life by gender, marriage, job, frequency of detoxification, continue to use drugs and taking methadone regularly. And we found that those QOL would be slightly decreased due to age, the higher monthly household income had a better quality of life. The Family support and learned resourcefulness were significantly positive correlated with overall quality of life and four domains of the WHOQOL-BREF, and to eliminate the influence of demographic variables, the family support and learned resourcefulness were the predictors for QOL. Based on the results of this study, we suggest that the heroin addicts take methadone regularly, and help them transform or internalize as self-control of the learned resourcefulness through job and family supports, to put an end to the use of heroin as well as to promote the quality of life.

主题分类 管理學院 > 管理碩博士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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