


The impact of dysfunctional customer behavior on employee's work behavior: The perspective of social exchange theory




社會交換理論 ; 惡質顧客行為 ; 服務破壞 ; 服務導向組織公民行為 ; 情緒調節 ; social exchange theory ; dysfunctional customer behavior ; service sabotage ; service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors ; emotion regulation












現今服務環境所強調顧客至上,提供無微不至的顧客服務,也使顧客擁有較大的權力,導致部分顧客將此權力視為理所當然,在與員工互動過程中,做出負面的行為,使員工面對惡質顧客不正當行為時,會採用服務破壞來報復顧客,這是過去研究多著墨的地方。然而惡質顧客行為一定都具有負面影響嗎?第一線員工在與惡質顧客的互動中,或許也有可能為了自己的利益,而做服務導向組織公民行為。這是過往研究鮮少觸及的議題。也是本研究的重點。 本研究以社會交換理論為理論依據。然而,在社會交換理論下,其前提假設為人是理性且善意的。但惡質顧客的研究中,惡質顧客的行為模式本身就是一種非善意、非理性的存在。因此本研究結合Lawler與Thye (1999) 所提出的社會交換過程(social exchange process)補述Blau(1964)社會交換關係的動態過程,並作為本研究主要理論依據。本研究探討惡質顧客行為、負向情感、服務破壞、服務導向組織公民行為及情緒調節之關係,並檢視以負向情感對惡質顧客行為與服務破壞、服務導向組織公民行之間的中介效果,同時也深入探討情緒調節 (再評估與壓抑策略) 為負向情感與服務破壞、服務導向組織公民行之間的調節效果。 本研究針對台灣服務業第一線員工,探討惡質顧客與員工之間的互動,對於員工的工作行為之影響,同時深入探討負向情感之中介效果與情緒調節之調節效果。本研究採用問卷調查法,參考國內外學者之量表,經由各位專家的意見,逐步修改以及編制為本研究之問卷,共發放490份有效問卷共有392份,可用為96%。 經過分析之後發現,「惡質顧客行為」對「負向情感」具有正向的影響;「負向情感」對於「惡質顧客行為」與「服務破壞」有部分中介效果,則「負向情感」對於「惡質顧客行為」與「服務導向組織公民行為」有完全中介效果;「情緒調節之在評估與壓抑策略」對「負向情感」與「服務破壞」不具有調節的效果;「情緒調節之在評估策略」對「負向情感」與「服務導向組織公民行為」不具有調節的效果,而「情緒調節之壓抑策略」對「負向情感」與「服務導向組織公民行為」具有調節的效果。本研究建議服務業組織要多加注意員工在工作時的情緒起伏,並提供情緒方面的職前教育訓練或是紓壓的管道,減少員工做出服務破壞的行為;再者,提供員工願意付出更多服務導向組織公民行為的誘因,如設立績效獎勵制度。


Today's service environment emphasizes customer first, and it is important to provide meticulous service for customer. So customers have greater power, and they take it for granted. In consequence, some customers interact with employee with more negative behaviors. Although past researches have demonstrated that employees deal with dysfunctional customer with service sabotage behavior. However, is dysfunctional customer behavior boud to bring negative impact? Is it possible that the employees interacting with the dysfunctional customer do service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors? Therefore, the study focues on the issue in constrast to previous studies. This study is based on social exchange theory. However, under social exchange theory, its premise is assumed that people are rational and kind. But dysfunctional customer behaviors model are not good will and irrational. Therefore, this study adds the social exchange process by Lawler and Thye (1999) to supplement the part of Blau (1964) social exchange relations as the main theoretical basis of this study. This study aims at the front-line staff of Taiwan's service industries. The study discusses the interaction between dysfunctional customers’ behaviors and employees’ behaviors, and explores the mediating effect of negative affect and the moderating effect of emotion regulations. This study used questionnaire survey and a total of 490 valid questionnaires were issued. The questionnaire was developed by the experts and gradually revised and compiled. The research findings were as follows. The dysfunctional customer behavior had positive effect on the negative emotion. The negative affect was partially mediated relationship between dysfunctional customer behavior and service sabotage, and was complete mediated relationship between dysfunctional customer behavior and service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. Finally, the reappraisal of emotion regulate absolutely did not moderate the relationship between negative emotion and service sabotage, and neither the relationship between negative emotion and service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. The suppression of emotion regulate moderate the relationship between negative emotion and service sabotage, so as the relationship between negative emotion and service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. The research recommendations are provided as follows: (1) to pay more attention on employee’ work emotion; (2) to provide professional training with emotion management; (3) to provide the ways of relief and the performance incentive.

主题分类 管理學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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