


Case Studies of the Home Roasting Café Business Strategy




自家烘焙咖啡館 ; 經營策略 ; 商業經營模式 ; home-roasted coffee café ; business strategy ; The Business Model












自從80年代,國際大型連鎖咖啡館及國內連鎖咖啡館相繼成立,讓咖啡不僅成為現代人生活主要飲品,喝咖啡更成為現代人的新文化。在大型連鎖咖啡館的推波助瀾之下,許多具強烈個人風格的自家烘焙咖啡館如雨後春筍般崛起,自家烘焙咖啡館不同於大型連鎖咖啡館強調的一致化與制式化,反而呈現獨一無二的風格,不僅發展各具特色,並融入城市居民的生活方式在大街小巷蔓延開來。不過近幾年隨著喝咖啡的人口不斷增加,不僅大型連鎖速食品業者看準這場咖啡市場,便利超商平價咖啡的亦加入戰局,在競爭激烈的市場上,自家烘焙咖啡館如何面對,值得進一步探討。 本研究採質化研究,透過研究個案場域中觀察與訪談,針對高屏地區5家自家烘焙咖啡廳經營者,個案進行研究調查,有關自家烘焙咖啡館經營策略;並以商業經營模式之9項構成要素(目標客群、價值主張、通路、顧客關係、收益流、關鍵資源、關鍵活動、關鍵合作夥伴、成本結構)分析各家咖啡館如何獲取價值。本研究以「深度探訪」、「直接觀察」與「紀錄相關資料」之方法,最後針對研究之結果提出相關建議,作為學術界及創業者之參考。 在這新型態的服務概念下,產業的經營策略必須客製化及多元發展,並串連整個產業能量、連結更多的外部環境、以創造更大價值。本研究「以商業經營模式個案研究自家烘焙咖啡館經營策略」中,明顯得導出成功的自家烘焙咖啡館的經營策略為:「應具備服務創新理念」。 以商業模式9項要素檢視這5個個案,提供自家烘焙咖啡館業者經營管理之實務建議: 一、 不斷精進為顧客提供服務。 二、 屏除「專業傲慢」心境,維繫人際關係交流互動的核心價值。 三、 進行產業合作及聯結外部環境,才能吸引顧客。


Since the 1980s, large international and domestic café chain have been founded, and coffee has not only become the main drinks in modern life, but also become a brand-new culture. With the help of large café chain, many home-roasted coffee cafés with impressive style have sprung up like mushrooms. Unlike large café chain, home-roasted coffee cafés present a unique style instead of emphasizing unanimity and standardization. Besides its diversity, it has spread in the streets and blended into our lives. However, with the growing population of coffee consuming, not only large chain fast food industry but also convenience stores joined in the competitive market. How to face the tough situation is worthy of advanced study. The thesis adopts qualitative research by observing and interviewing cases. Five home-roasted coffee café owners in Kaohsiung-Pingtung area are chosen and their business strategies are surveyed. Moreover, analyzing how each café gain value via 9 elements of The Business Model(Customer Segments, Value Proposition, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partners, Cost Structure). The suggestions for the results of research, which contain methods of "In-depth visit", "Direct observation" and "History-Info", can consider the reference for academics and entrepreneurs. Under the innovative service concept, the business strategy must go towards customized products and diverse development, and connect the whole industry fuel and more external environments in order to create greater value. In the thesis "Research in home-roasted coffee café business strategy through Business Model", obviously, the successful business strategy of home-roasted coffee shops is "Innovative ideas." Viewing these five cases through business model and provide café owner with the following practical advice: First, persist in providing service for customers. Second, get rid of "Profession arrogant" thoughts, the core value is maintaining interpersonal relationships. Third, conducting industrial cooperation and linking up the external environment to attract customers.

主题分类 管理學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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