


The Effect of Regular Measurement of Weight on the Exercise Habit of Volunteer Soldiers




自我監測體重 ; 運動動機 ; 體重管理 ; self-monitoring weight ; movement motive ; weight management












藉由國軍「一個口令,一個動作」的傳統,強制律定每日下午4點至6點從事戶外運動,可有效且明顯增加志願役士兵的身體活動量及能量消耗,但對於志願役士兵從事運動動機方面並沒有影響。然而,志願役士兵普遍重視外表,擔心體重過重,畢竟身為國軍,體態固然重要,體力更是展現量重要的一環。本研究即在這個基礎之上,透過體重控制,探究其對身體形象的改變歷程和影響程度。自我體重控制是志願役士兵進行規律運動的主要動機之一。 體重量測為一種方便且簡單的健康維持方式,除體重自我管理的成效外,也可能加強了志願役士兵運動的動機。因此本次研究針對在憲兵某地區指揮部某駐地服役之志願役士兵,強制律定每週定期量測體重,並藉由營區內值星官指派士兵運用自由活動時間,從事額外走跑運動,並由值星官及所屬承辦人紀錄志願役人員運動歷程。實驗時程共計12週,第1週隨機挑選志願役士兵進行實驗。第2至3週是基準期,參與者在第3週測量BMI值、運動成因軌跡、體脂防率、參與運動動機等等(前測)。隨後,參與者隨機區分實驗組(N=45)、對照組(N=45)。第4至11週是介入期,由營區醫務人員管制實驗組志願役人員每週至少測量一次體重。第12週辦理後測。最後,兩組(實驗組及對照組)有效樣本數為實驗組40及對照組43。各數據以曼惠特尼U檢定、描述性統計、威爾卡森符號等級檢定與斯皮爾曼等級相關係數對男女性實驗對象分析,並得到以下結果: 一、實驗組及對照組的男、女性四組志願役士兵的運動成因軌跡及BMI無變化。 二、實驗組內女性士兵,體脂防率有上升的趨勢,另對照組男性及女性均無關現象。 三、醫務人員的介入(每週量測體重)導致實驗組男性運動時間(p=0.008)及能量消耗(p=0.008)增加,對照組之男性則無變化;另實驗組及對照組之女性運動量都有增加的趨勢,但是兩組進步的幅度沒有明顯差異。 四、參與運動的動機方面,醫務人員的介入使實驗組的男性因為體重的管理(p=0.014)、自身外觀(p=0.004)、疾病避免(p=0.023)及健康壓力(0.007)等等因素從事戶外運動,對照組的男性則無此差異;但是女性方面兩組都沒有差異。 根據本次研究結果,獲得以下結論:醫務人員的介入可明顯增加男性志願役士兵利用公餘時間運動與運動動機的程度,但是對於所有志願役士兵運動的內在動機仍然沒有影響。然而,僅僅針對士兵要求體重量測,可能導致女性志願役士兵運用錯誤的方式減重(如飲食控制異常等),因此必須提供正確且健康的營養學相關知識,藉以建立女性志願役士兵健全的體重控制觀念。


By the national army "a password, an action" tradition, compulsory law from 4 pm to 6 pm every day in outdoor sports, can effectively and significantly increase the volunteer officers and men of physical activity and improve the basal metabolic rate, but for Volunteer officers and men have no effect on sports motives. However, volunteer officers and soldiers generally pay attention to appearance, worried about overweight, after all, as a national army, the body is important, physical strength is an important part of the show. This study on this basis, through weight control, to explore its changes in the body image of the process and the extent of the impact. Self-weight control is one of the main motivations for volunteer officers to carry out regular movements. Weight measurement is a convenient and simple way to maintain health, in addition to the weight of self-management results, but also may strengthen the volunteer officers and men of the motive. Therefore, this study for the gendarmerie 204 commanding Tiewei camp service volunteer officers and soldiers, forced law regularly measure weekly weight, and by the camp of the value of the stars assigned to the use of free time colleagues, engaged in additional run Movement, and by the value of stars and their own contractors record volunteer movement course. The duration of the experiment was 12 weeks, and volunteers were randomly selected for the first week. The second to third week is the base period, participants in the third week to measure the BMI value, the trajectory of movement, body fat defense, participation in motor motives, etc. Subsequently, the participants were randomized to the experimental group and the control group. The third to eleven weeks are the intervention period, and the volunteer staff of the experimental group is controlled by at least one weight per week. Week 12 for post-test. Finally, the effective samples in the two groups were experimental group 40 and control group. The data were analyzed by Manhui II U test, descriptive statistics, Wilkerson symbolic grade test and Spearman rank correlation coefficient, and the following results were obtained: 1. There were no changes in the trajectory and BMI of the four groups of male and female volunteers in the experimental group and the control group. 2. In the experimental group, female colleagues and body fat were increased, and the male and female were not related to the control group. 3. The interventional mechanism resulted in an increase in male exercise time and energy consumption in the experimental group, and no change in men in the control group. There was no significant difference in the amount of female exercise between the experimental group and the control group, but there was no significant difference between the two groups 4. In the motive aspect of the exercise, the intervention mechanism makes the male in the experimental group have no difference because of the management of the weight, the appearance of the disease, the avoidance of disease and the pressure of health, and so on. However, there is no difference between the two groups for female. According to the results of this study, the following conclusions can be drawn: The involvement of the Director of the Medical Officer can significantly increase the extent to which male volunteers are using the time of exercise and movement, but the intrinsic motivation for all volunteer officers and men is still unaffected. However, only the weight of the officers and men who demand for weight testing may lead to the use of the wrong way of weight loss, and therefore must provide the correct and healthy nutrition-related knowledge, in order to establish female volunteer officers and soldiers sound weight control concept.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 資訊管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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