In order to reduce operating costs and achieve the optimum business performance, many hospital administrators have begun to apply the idea of overall operation--an enterprise concept. In general, one of the primary tasks to improve the business performance of a hospital is to make efficiency measurement and assessment based on the present operating conditions. By doing so, a hospital can distribute and utilize medical resources more effectively, by recognizing its strengths and weaknesses as well as the consumption of medical resources, in addition to the opportunities and threats in the external environment. This research assesses hospital business performance from the perspectives of financial and non-financial evaluations and establishes a multilevel evaluation model combining theory and practice to enhance the effectiveness of performance evaluation, so as to view the panorama of the business performance of the medical industry.
This research sums up various indicators, mainly including three quantitative indexes (i.e. quality performance index, business performance index and financial performance index) to assess the business performance of the medical industry. With such quantitative theoretical model, relevant researches are conducted to analyze the quality performance, business performance and financial performance of the target hospital. To explore the relationships between quality performance, business performance and financial performance of the hospital, this research first compares the financial performances in the target hospital and other hospitals at the same level by the DuPont Formula, then explores the correlation of those variables by Pearson correlation analysis, and finally discusses the correlation of variables and financial performances. From the Pearson correlation analysis, this research finds that the hospital shows significant correlations among medical quality performance, business performance and financial performance. Specifically, quality dimension variable has significant negative correlations with both business dimension variable and financial dimension variable. In addition, business dimension variable has a significant positive correlation with financial dimension variable. It can be seen that the medical income increase with the in-patient number and outpatient amount of the target hospital, but also leads to the increase of health care costs.
According to the results of empirical analysis, the target hospital presents an upward tendency in medical income f and operation cost after improving its quality performance, business performance, financial performance and operation capacity. For the common difficulties in operation and management faced by many medical institutions, this research offers a new way of thinking with a scientific method and quantitative model. For the control and management of business performance, medical institutions should establish a quantitative theoretical model of business performance as the foundation of long-term control and management. In terms of resource allocation and utilization, according to the discussion about the relationships between three operational performances (i.e. quality of service, business performance and financial performance) and those between various variables, medical institutions should recognize the major objectives of key management, enabling the administrators to have more scientific and concrete evidences in strategy and decision-making and finally improving its business performance.
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