


Internet of Things - Applications of Smart Farm




物聯網 ; 光敏電阻 ; 數位溫濕度感測器 ; 土壤濕度感測器 ; Internet of Thing ; Arduino Yun ; Photoresistor ; Temperature & Humidity Sensor ; Soil Humidity Sensor












環境綠化一直是人們所重視的議題,而現在人們日理萬機,時間上普遍不足以去照顧植物,只能利用閒暇的時間來種植花草,卻心有餘而力不足,無法給予植物們完整妥善的照顧。本論文中,使用現代人們最常用的方式來給予協助。   本論文中,使用到物聯網(Internet of Thing,IoT),物聯網不僅侷限在科技的領域上,商業與日常生活中都常會碰觸到,是網際網路、傳統電信網等資訊承載體,讓所有能行使獨立功能的普通物體實作互聯互通的網路,就是「物物相連的互聯網」。也使用Google Docs與Gmail,將資料存在雲端中,雲端儲存是一種網路線上儲存的模式,就是把資料存放在由第三方代管的多台虛擬伺服器,而非專屬的伺服器上。還使用Arduino Yun開發板與Arduino IDE,Arduino是目前非常多人在使用的開發板,不但容易使用,價錢還很親民,並提供許多服務,包括免費的開發平台、程式碼、硬體電路等。其他還有使用到Temboo、光敏電阻、數位溫度濕度感測器(DHT11)與土壤濕度感測器(MTARDMO)。   本研究使量測的數值傳至網路上,讓人們能夠隨時使用任何能上網的裝置,像是電腦、手機等,都可以進行查看,也能產生提醒作用,進而打造出一個智慧型的農園。   本研究使環境綠化變得更加方便,未來也能讓一切變得自動化,減少農人們工作上的辛苦,並使農產品品質提升,打造出自動化的智慧型農園,也能生產出農產品身分證,讓農產品種植過程透明化,讓大家吃得更加安心。


The environment afforests has been valued by the people in question, but now people different business needs, better tomorrow, generally inadequate to take care of the plants, only to use leisure time to planting flowers and plants, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, can not give plants are completely and properly taken care of. In this paper, the use of modern man the most common way to assist.   In this paper, the use of the Internet of Things( IoT), Internet of Things is not limited to the field of science and technology, business and everyday life will touch this, the traditional telecommunication network and other information carrier, let all to exercise independent function of common objects implement interconnection network is "material objects connected to the Internet." Also use Google Docs and Gmail, the data storages in the cloud, cloud storage is a network of online storage mode, the data is stored on multiple virtual servers hosted by a third party, rather than on a dedicated server. Also use the Arduino Yun Boards and Arduino IDE, Arduino is currently very many people in the use development board, not only easy to use, but also the price is very close to the people, and provides many services, including free development platform, code, hardware circuit. Others include the use of the Temboo, Photoresistor, Temperature & Humidity Sensor(DHT11)and Soil Humidity Sensor(MTARDMO).   In this research, so that the measurement value is transmitted to the web so that people can use any device with Internet access at any time, such as computers, mobile phones, etc., can be viewed, also can produce a reminder, and then create a smart farm.   In this research makes the environment afforests has become more convenient, but also make the future all become automated, reducing farmers work hard, and to enhance the quality of agricultural products, to create automated smart farm, also to agricultural produces identity cards, let agricultural cultivation process transparent, so that we eat more at ease.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 電機工程學系
工程學 > 電機工程
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