This study was first to fabricate carbon fiber skeletons through needled punch method. Secondly, carbon fiber skeletons were impregnated in liquid phenolic resin doped with different carbon reinforcement material (graphite, carbon nanotube, grapheme, carbon black) and vacuum impregnation process was operated. After impregnation process, hot pressing and carbonization processes were adopted to prepare porous carbon preforms. And then, carbon preforms were operated with subsequent densification cycles and impregnation processes to fabricate carbon/carbon composites respectively. The objective of this study is to investigate interrelationships among additions of different carbon reinforcement material properties of carbon/carbon composites.
The results indicate that, addition of different carbon reinforcement material can enhance the mechanical, tribological properties, thermal and electric conductivity of the specimens. However, the different carbon reinforcement material additions did not improve the toughness of carbon/carbon composites obriously. The results aiso shoes carbon reinforcement can improve the wear properties of specimens significantly. The specimens added with graphene showed the minimum weight losses, and specimens added with carbon black showed the best triction stability.
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