In an age of knowledge-based economy, there are various ways teachers can expand their professional knowledge and practice. Among them, e-learning, which is available anytime and anywhere, provides teachers with another choice. The purpose of the study is to understand the factors influencing the participation of junior high school teachers in Kaohsiung City in the on-line courses offered by “E-Learning Service Center of the Ministry of Education”. The study is based on the “Technology Acceptance Model” (TAM), with computer self-efficacy (CSE) and e-learning courses design (ECD) as the external variables, perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PE) as the intervening variables, and behavior intention to use (BI) as the dependent variables.
In the research, a questionnaire method was adopted to gather data from junior high school teachers in Kaohsiung City, with the effective sample size of 306. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The main findings are as follows:
1.For digital learners, computer self-efficacy and e-learning courses design have a positive effect on perceived ease of use.
2.For digital learners, e-learning courses design and perceived ease of use have a positive effect on perceived usefulness.
3.Computer self-efficacy, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use positively affect behavior intention to use.
4.Computer self-efficacy have a positive effect on e-learning courses design.
The survey results show that perceived usefulness, being followed by perceived ease of use, is the major factor that affects behavior intention to use, which is consistent with what most researchers have found in their studies. Also, e-learning courses design is found to correlate closely with the intervening variables as it has a significant influence on perceived usefulness as well as on perceived ease of use. Therefore, for the enhancement of behavior intention to use, the improvement of on-line courses in terms of themes, contents, and the user interface should be given priority so as to meet teachers’ need and to make them aware of the usefulness of the courses. Based on the findings, some suggestions are presented above to the education sectors for reference and for further research.
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