


Exploring Effects of Web Advertising and Image on Study Intention of Military Academy




網路廣告效果 ; 形象 ; 就讀意願 ; Effects of web advertising ; Image ; Study intention














In the era of vigorous development of the Internet, the Internet is full of a variety of advertising. Military began to use the Internet media for launching a series of national image advertising in 2015. Advertising content transformation is to highlight the nature of the national army and the main characteristics of the image. The use of real and moving images as the main axis of advertising shows a different from the previous military recruitment of advertising. The use of such online advertising is to enhance the community and young students’ study intention. This study is to understand the object of recruitment by the military through the effectiveness of online advertising and the image of online advertising. This study uses the online questionnaire survey through Facebook and Line to collect the data from students between ages 15 to 30 years old. 239 valid questionnaires were collected and SPSS was used as a statistical tool for analysis. The results show that the effect of online advertising and the image of the military have a positive impact on study intention. The study results provide reference for military and other relevant research. Finally, follow-up researchers can focus on academic industry to understand the effectiveness of online advertising and image for study intention.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 資訊管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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