The research aims at understanding the current situation, differences and correlations of learning motivation and learning satisfaction among Master Graduate Program Students , and to explore the influencing factors of job satisfaction. A total of 274 questionnaires were sent out and 233 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed using the SPSS statistical package software. The independent samples t were used for statistical analysis, single factor variance analysis, Pearson product difference correlation analysis and stepwise regression analysis were used for quantitative analysis.
The results are as follows:
1.Students' learning motivation is strongest with "learning interest", while "career advancement" was the weakest.
2.Students' learning satisfaction is the highest in "teacher teaching" and the lowest in "learning environment".
3.There is a significant difference in learning motivation among students with different age, working years, job type, and whether they can flexibly meet the working time.
4.There is a significant difference in learning satisfaction among students with different age, occupation type, department of study, and whether they could flexibly meet the working time.
5.There is a positive correlation between learning motivation and learning satisfaction.
6.The learning motivation of students can be predicted effectively when the students' learning motivation is predicted, and the effect of variables at all levels of learning motivation on learning satisfaction is positive.
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