


A Study of the Associations among Information Disclosure, Hospital Image, Healthcare Quality and Healthcare Loyalty-Example from Joint Commission International Accreditation




資訊公開 ; 國際醫院評鑑 ; 信號理論 ; 結構方程模式 ; information disclosure ; Joint Commission International Accreditation ; signaling theory ; Structural Equation Modeling












背景與目的:隨著國內消費者意識提升與市場自由競爭機制,促使民眾對醫院資訊的需求增加,醫院資訊公開逐漸受到重視,本論文主要探討醫院資訊公開對於民眾認知醫院形象、認知醫療服務品質與就醫忠誠度之間的關係,以醫院公開通過國際醫院評鑑的資訊做為研究情境。 材料與方法:本論文以Spence所提出之信號理論為研究理論基礎,研究架構包括醫院資訊公開、認知醫院形象、認知醫療服務品質與就醫忠誠度等四個構面,採用問卷調查法,以結構式問卷進行資料蒐集,蒐集對象為南部某一大型醫院就診之民眾。 結果與結論:本研究共發放172份問卷,有效問卷為172份,回收率100%。結構方程模式分析結果顯示:醫院資訊公開分別與認知醫院形象及認知醫療服務品質均具有正向顯著關係、認知醫院形象與認知醫療服務品質呈現正相關、認知醫療服務品質與就醫忠誠度具有正向顯著關係,而認知醫院形象與就醫忠誠度未具有顯著相關,本論文亦進一步證實認知醫療服務品質對於認知醫院形象與就醫忠誠度確實具有中介效果。依據分析結果提出以下建議:1)醫院能夠主動公開其他醫院相關資訊;2)醫院將公開的資訊以民眾容易理解的方式呈現;3)持續強化醫院的醫療服務品質,包含醫療人員的服務態度與專業能力。


Background and Goals: The public’s demand for hospital information has been increased by domestic consumer awareness and free market competition. The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationships among hospital information disclosure and individuals' perceptions of hospital image, healthcare service quality and healthcare loyalty. This study apply hospitals information passed Joint Commission International Accreditation as resource to be disclosure. Materials and Methods: This study theoretical based on the Spence Signaling Theory, research model comprised four dimensions: hospital information disclosure, perceived hospital image, perceived healthcare service quality and healthcare loyalty. Using the questionnaire survey target people visited large medical center in southern Taiwan. Results and Conclusions: There are totally 172 questionnaires were distributed and the effective response rate is 100%. Structural equation modeling data analysis showed that hospital information disclosure positively affected with perceived hospital image and perceived healthcare service quality, however perceived hospital image did not significantly affect healthcare loyalty. Further analysis had shown an indirect positive correlation between perceived hospital image and healthcare loyalty. Conclusion from the results and comment as below : 1) hospital can actively disclose other hospital-related information; 2) hospital disclosure information in a way that the people can easily understand; 3) continuously strengthen the hospital's medical service quality, including staff's service attitude and professional ability.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫院管理與醫事行政
醫學院 > 醫務管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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