


A study of relationship among job involvement , work-family conflict and well-being




情感雙歧 ; 工作投入 ; 幸福感 ; 工作家庭衝突 ; affective ambivalence ; job involvement ; well-being ; work-family conflict












每一個投入軍旅生活的成員,都是國軍各部隊重要的人力資源,其行為表現彰顯著國軍給全國民眾的印象及感受。部隊成員在職務上的工作情況,因任務階段有著不同的壓力與辛勞。所投入的時間會集中在部隊的工作之中,稍不注意對家庭的活動及陪伴大大減少,使國軍部隊成員的幸福感受降低。然而部隊成員展現工作投入時,在工作與家庭的衝突影響程度是值得深究的,再者,部隊成員執行任務及工作時,所顯現的情感狀態是否會影響工作家庭衝突及幸福感,也是值得探討之一。 本研究欲探悉部隊內成員的工作投入、工作家庭衝突、情感雙歧及幸福感之相互關係,本研究採問卷調查法,參酌國內外學者之量表,經專家效度修改,進行預試發放,回收並測量信效度後,修改編制問卷,共發放367份問卷,有效問卷共計274份。 經實徵研究後發現:(1)部隊成員在高工作投入表現時,在高度專注工作下,因工作而影響到家庭中的生活並且形成衝突;(2)部隊成員在工作與家庭之間形成衝突愈高,愈使兩者之間不合諧,生活上的幸福感受愈低;(3)部隊成員因高度的工作投入下,透過高工作家庭衝突,使部隊成員的幸福感受減少;(4) 部隊成員發生工作與家庭衝突時,高的負面情感及情緒影響下,幸福感受降低更明顯,且負向情感對工作家庭衝突具有強化作用。 最後,根據研究結論提出具體建議,已提供部隊與未來研究者之參考。例如:分享時間管理模式,以提升工作效能,舉辦軍民活動,增進互助互信的生活,主動心理輔導,瞭解官兵情感面向等,以提供管者參考。


Every military personnel are important human resources to the armed forces, and their actions have influences on citizens’ views and feelings toward the military. Due to different phases of an operation, military personnel will receive different levels of stress and toil. When their time is concentrated in their work, time spent with family member is reduced, resulting in the decline in well-being for members of the military. However, the level of conflict between work and family that occurs when military personnel show dedication in their work is worth studying. Also, when military personnel is involved in their work and operations, will their emotional condition affect the work-family conflict and well-being, is also worth studying. The purpose of this study is to understand the relation between work involvements, work-family conflict, affective ambivalence, and well-being of military personnel. This study uses the questionnaire method, and scale from local and foreign researchers. After modifications from experts on validity, running a pretest, collecting the pretest distribution to measuring reliability, and doing edits on the questionnaire, a total of 367 questionnaires were sent out, and a total of 274 questionnaires were valid. This research showed: 1. when members of the armed forces show high work dedication, working with high concentration results in work affecting family life and forms conflicts. 2. For Military personnel, the higher the conflict between work and family will cause lesser harmony between the two, resulting in more decrease of well-being in life. 3. Military personnel with high work involvement and high work-family conflict will result in the decrease of well-being for military personnel. 4. For military personnel, when work-family conflict occurs, and under the influence of high negative emotion, the decrease of well-being is more obvious. Also, negative emotions have an enhanced effect on work-family conflict. Lastly, suggestions made from the conclusion of this research can provide reference for the armed forces and future researcher. For instance: management method for shared time to increase work efficiency, plan civil-military activities, increase mutual trust in life, voluntarily psychological counseling, and understanding the emotions of military personnel, are all reference for manager.

主题分类 管理學院 > 管理碩博士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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