


Design the Electronic Waste Recycling Audit and Certification Process




稽核認證 ; 電子化 ; 無紙化 ; audit certification ; Electronic ; paperless












由於人類過度開發大量使用石化能源,導致大氣中的二氧化碳濃度巨變,溫室效應使得空氣濃度、溫度有逐漸升高的現象及與自然環境爭資源造成地球暖化及能源枯竭,將是全球人類需面臨之危機。故提倡力行節約能源,減少能源需求,提高能源效率是當務之急。 現行廢棄物回收稽核認證作業,其現場作業查核流程中文件資料及報表作業都以Microsoft office Word製作後以紙張列印出,以人工方式繕寫處理後,進行交換傳送,經簽核後再回傳送,建立資料庫再行文件歸檔,浪費資源費時且不環保。 科技資訊已普及應用於一般生活領域,透過手持裝置或電腦連結網際網路能便捷傳遞資訊。另透過雲端文書資料電子化處理及線上簽核系統,不僅能達到「無紙化」及「節能減碳」的環保目的,還能有系統性存取視為資料庫運用,提升稽核認證作業品質與效率。


Due to the human has over-exploited and used the petrochemical energy; it has caused the change of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. The greenhouse effect makes the air concentration and the temperature increased gradually. The phenomenon of the global warming and energy depletion would cause a crisis which the human has to face it. Therefore, it is imperative to promote energy conservation, reduce energy demand, and improve energy efficiency. Currently, the documents of waste recycling audit and certification operations, the operation of the checking process and reports are used Microsoft Office Word to produce and print out. After manual filled out, these documents would process to be signed and then return to archive. It would be very time consuming and would not be environment-friendly. Information technology has been widely used in the general field of life. The use of handheld device or computer connected to the Internet that can be easily transferred information. Therefore, it could be paperless and energy saving and carbon reduction to achieve the purpose of environmental protection through data processing in the cloud and to electronically sign online documents in order to enhance the quality of audit, certification operations, and efficiency.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 資訊管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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