


Analysis of Successful Business Model for Pet Salon




寵物生活館 ; 關鍵因素 ; 問卷分析 ; Pet Salon ; Critical Factors ; Questionnaire Analysis












社會結構改變與少子化的趨勢,甚至漸漸出現晚婚不生子的頂客風潮,此一現象也連帶造成寵物在人們心中的地位不可而語。有鑑於寵物市場的快速發展,在寵物生活館裡,能滿足飼主們對飼養寵物的基本需求。本研究欲從寵物生活館經營的角度切入,探討寵物生活館經營模式之關鍵因素,主要以經營管理、營運據點、行銷策略與服務品質四各構面進行相關研究,分析現有相關業者的經營模式與提供之服務來思考何種經營模式抑或是服務內容最能貼近消費大眾,提高相關消費意願,並提出改善建議。 透過問卷分析,四各構面中,在「經營管理」構面中以健全的財務結構與了解貨源通路掌握力為最有力的關鍵因素,代表組織之財務結構健全與充分了解貨物來源的通路是經營管理的關鍵因素。「營運據點」構面中以需注意周遭同質店家動向及價格波動,系統化的建製顧客消費紀錄為最主要的關鍵因素。「行銷策略」構面中以寵物生活館商品、美容、寄宿價格公開且透明為最主要的關鍵因素,如何在一級戰場中殺出一條生存之路為主要思考的方向,消費者的消費模式與寵物生活館的營收息息相關,商品,美容及寵物寄宿的價格透明且公開化是很重要的,可以讓客人在第一時間了解內容並做出選擇。「服務品質」構面中以應具備服務態度與顧客關係為主要因素,寵物生活館販售商品大同小異,價格落差比價不明顯,此時服務態度的好壞及與顧客之間的關係維護就顯得極為重要。 另外,研究結果顯示,不同人口背景對經營管理皆無顯著的影響。除了不同年齡的在營運據點構面上有顯著差異,其他不同背景變項在營運據點構面無顯著差異,根據發放問卷時,發現年紀較長的經營者對營運據點的重視程度比起其他較年輕的經營者較高。不同背景變項在行銷策略構面上皆無顯著差異。除了工作職位在服務品質構面上有顯著差異,其他不同背景變項在服務品質構面上無顯著差異,根據現場親自發問卷時發現,職等較高的員工能提供的服務權限較大,職等較低的員工能提供較貼切商品服務。


Social structure changes and the trend of less child, and even gradually appear late marriage is not the son of the top off the crowd, this phenomenon is also associated with the status of the pet in the hearts of people can not speak of the status. In view of the rapid development of the pet market, in the pet living museum, to meet the basic needs of the owners, from the food and clothing live education all-encompassing, the study from the pet hotel business point of view cut into the pet living museum business the key success factors of the model, mainly in the management, operating base, marketing strategy and service quality of the four structural aspects of the relevant research, analysis of the existing business model and the provision of services to think about what business model or service content the most close to the consumer, improve the willingness to spend, and make suggestions for improvement. Through the questionnaire analysis, the four aspects of the "management" in the face of a sound financial structure and understanding of the supply channel to grasp the power of the most powerful key factors on behalf of the organization's financial structure and fully understand the source of goods access is the management the key factor. "Operating base" in the surface to pay attention to the trend of similar homogeneous stores around the price and price fluctuations, the systematic formation of customer consumption records as the most important key factors. "Marketing strategy" to the pet living museum merchandise, beauty, boarding prices open and transparent as the most important key factors, how in a level of battlefield to kill a way to survive as the main thinking of the direction of consumer consumption patterns and Petlife Hall's revenue is very relevant, and the price of goods, beauty and pet boarding is transparent and open is very important, allowing guests to understand the content and make the first choice. "Service quality" in the surface should be a service attitude and customer relationship as the main factor, pet living museum selling goods much the same, the price gap is not obvious, this time the attitude of the service and the relationship between the customer maintenance is very important. In addition, the results show that different population background on the management of no significant impact. In addition to the different age in the operating base of the structural aspects of significant differences in the other background variables in the operating base structure no significant difference, according to the issuance of the questionnaire, found that older operators on the operating base of the degree of attention than the other young operators are higher. There are no significant differences in the background of different marketing variables. In addition to the job position in the service quality of the surface there are significant differences in the other background variables in the service quality facet no significant difference, according to the scene personally asked the questionnaire found that higher grade employees can provide greater service rights, Lower-level staff can provide more appropriate goods and services.

主题分类 管理學院 > 管理碩博士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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