As the rapid changes in the type of society, each person in different stages of life, it will inevitably have the environment to adapt to the problem, resulting in life pressure, if the parties can quickly adjust their own pace, change their minds, Will be able to adapt to good; relative, if the parties in the face of different environments, can not adapt, will have a lot of pressure, resulting in obstacles to the environment, this time on the outside world need help to help these people, To solve the problem, to strengthen the ability to adapt to the environment.
In this study, the officers and men entered the army, the face of the rapid changes in the internal and external environment of the army, the interview system has been interviewed to analyze the officers and men of the problems faced and environmental barriers, the parties in addition to their own awareness should be , But also by the unit cadres at the grassroots level, professional support staff and the region's medical system to help, get rid of the problems arising from the face of the increasingly complex attitude of the soldiers, but should not be fixed work To carry out counseling, but should be flexible interactive behavior, to help them resolve the hearts of doubts and distress, reduce the security factors to enhance the combat effectiveness of troops.
After the analysis of the results, put forward some suggestions
First, school education
(1) in the military education refers to the participating classes, the "counseling counseling" work skills, combined with "crisis Processing "related work concepts, as compulsory education subjects.
(2) in the school basic education period, the additional troop practical learning courses, the selection of grass-roots units counseling results good cadres, implementation experience sharing.
Second, in terms of work practice
(1) to strengthen the officers and men interview assessment system, as well as the concept of crisis management and consultation counseling skills.
(2) to strengthen the force of the troops to provide officers and soldiers free and safe to express the pipeline.
(3) to implement the job adjustment of the incumbent cadres.
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