


Relationships between spiritual needs and depression symptoms in patients with cancer




靈性需求滿足程度 ; 自覺健康狀態 ; 家庭支持功能 ; 癌症病人 ; 憂鬱程度 ; Subjective health status ; family function ; spiritual needs ; depression ; cancer patients












背景:癌症病人在長期的疾病過程中,醫療人員常關注在癌症治療及其相關照護;卻常常忽略病人的靈性需求。過去文獻缺乏探討癌症病人靈性需求與憂鬱程度相關性之文章。 目的:探討影響癌症病人靈性需求與憂鬱程度之因素及了解癌症病人之靈性需求、憂鬱程度及兩者之間之關係。 方法:採橫斷式相關性研究設計,以方便取樣方式於台灣南區某區域教學醫院住院病房進行收案。共有139名研究對象完成此研究問卷。研究工具包括台灣人憂鬱量表、中文版癌症病人靈性需求評估量表、家庭功能評估量表和基本資料。於2018年2月至2018年6月進行問卷資料收集。 結果:研究對象在對靈性需求滿足程度之五大構面的平均得分為18.78分(SD=3.48)。癌症病人的靈性需求滿足程度越低時,其憂鬱程度則越高(r=-.27, P=.001)。自覺健康狀態(Beta=.37, R2調整後=13.3% , P <.001)是靈性需求滿足程度的預測因子,總解釋變異量為13.3%。自覺健康狀態(Beta=-.42, △R2調整後=16.6%, P <.001)、靈性需求滿足程度(Beta=-.29, △R2調整後=9.1%, P <.001)與家庭支持功能(Beta=-.19, △R2調整後=2.1%, P =.022)是癌症病人憂鬱程度的預測因子,總解釋變異量為27.8%。 結論:增進病人靈性需求滿足程度、病人自覺健康狀態、維持家庭支持功能,為減輕癌症病人憂鬱程度之重要因素。


Background: Health professionals should focus on physical care rather than spiritual care while working with cancer patients throughout the treatment period. However, there are limited aricles examining the relationships between spiritual needs and depression. Objective: The purpose of the study was to examine factors that are related to spiritual needs and depression among patients with cancer, and to extend the understanding of the relationships between spiritual needs and depression. Methods: A cross-sectional and correlational research design was conducted using convenience sampling method to collect data at a regional teaching hospital in southern Taiwan. A total of 139 hospitalized participants completed a series of questionnaire; that include the Taiwanese Depression Questionnaire, the Chinese version of the Spiritual Interests Related to Illness Tool, the Family Function Assessment Scale, and a personal profile. Data collection occurred between February and June of 2018. Results: Participants reported a mean scoe of 18.78 (SD=3.48) on the overall satisfactory spiritual needs. The lower the satisfactory spiritual needs, the higher the depression (r = -.27, P = .001). Subjective health status (Beta = .37, R2 (adjusted) = .13, P <.001) was a predictor of satisfactory spiritual satisfaction; explained total variance of 13.3%. Subjective health status (Beta = -.42, △R2 (adjusted) =16.6%, P <.001), satisfactory spiritual needs (Beta = -.29, △R2 (adjusted) =9.1%, P < .001) and family function (Beta = -.19, △R2 (adjusted)=2.1%, P < .001) were predictors of depression; explained total variation of 27.8%. Conclusion: To improve subjective health status and maintain family support are contributed to less degree of depression in patients with cancer.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
醫學院 > 護理學系
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