


Study on the Influence Factors of Military Aircraft Avionics Intermediate Maintenance Efficiency―Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method




場級維修 ; 人為因素 ; 分析層級程序法 ; Intermediate Level Maintenance ; Human factor ; Analytic Hierarchy Process












由於我國國情特殊,長年下來除了少數自製武器諸如輕兵器、經國號戰機(關鍵組件如發動機等仍為美製)等,其餘均為美製裝備,另自美國購得之武器裝備性能、數量及獲得時程,亦受國際局勢及美國政治氛圍影響,故可知裝備獲得極為不易,機隊維持甚為艱辛,航空器維修的本質即在於如何充份發揮武器系統的持有及維持效益,並在國家預算拮据的情況下,以最低廉的成本維持妥善率及縮短修護復原時間。 於空軍的維修體制中,又以「場級維修階層」為修維護骨幹,但維修所面對的機、工具、環境等均是由人來掌控,其人為錯誤情況攸關著維修成效,本研究以分析層級程序法來探討影響軍機場級電子設備維修成效之因素,以瞭解造成維修品質不良或人員受傷可能因子,作為維修政策、流程、環境改進之參考,提升軍機維護品質,使各項系統能支援飛機安全無虞地的執行守衛領空任務。 本研究以南部空軍某飛行部隊電子維修單位人員為問卷調查對象,研究結果顯示受訪專家最重視之前三項影響因素分別為零件錯置、工作態度及程序遺漏,以過往案例,如上述因子同時發生,則有極高的機率造成重大事故。


In addition to minority of Taiwan made weapons such as light weapons, F-CK-1(Ching-kuo) fighters (the engines were manufactureed in US), the rest of the military equipment in Taiwan are all US-made due to the special international condition. However the performance, quantity and schedule of these weapons purchased from US also influenced by the international situation and the US political atmosphere. Therefore, the conventional weapons are difficult to obtain and preserve for Taiwanese military units. The essence of aircraft maintenance are to enhance the effectiveness of weapons comprehensively and keep the availability of the aircraft and limit the repairable recovery time at the lowest cost. The “Intermediate Level Maintenance” is key point in the aircraft maintenance system of the Taiwan Air Force. The machines, tools and environment, however, are controlled by the operators. Thus, the key of maintenance is from the operations. This study analyzes the facors influencing on the military aircraft avionics intermediate maintenance efficiency using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The purpose is to realize the potential factors which could lead to failure or human injury. The results could be served as the reference to improve the policy, process and environment in maintenance, to enhance the military aircraft maintain quality and to execute the air space guard tasks safely. The examination experts in this research are basis of electricians who serve in southern airforce base, the results exhibit that the top 3 of factors which experts to value are incorrect installation、 attitude and omission. In accordance with past cases, if these onces happened in the same time, it will cause an accident in high probability.

主题分类 管理學院 > 工業管理學系
工程學 > 工程學總論
社會科學 > 管理學
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