


A Study of food safety event- directed food law amendment - Case studies of olive oil manufactured by Chang Chi Foodstuff Factory Co., Ltd, and blended oil manufactured by Wei Chuan Foods Corporation.




食用油 ; 橄欖油 ; 調合油 ; 黑心油 ; 食品安全衛生管理法 ; Edible Oil ; Olive Oil ; Blended Oil ; Adulterated Cooking Oils ; Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation












漢書‧酈食其傳“王者以民為天,而民以食為天”前者可理解為:國家以人民的安康為首要;後者可理解為:人民以糧食為生存的根本。足見,賴以生存最重要的物質-「食品」的安全衛生對廣大的民眾是非常重要的。21世紀消費者知識不斷提昇對於食品安全衛生的要求更加重視,人們在品嘗食品美味的同時,更注重食品的安全。西元2013年底到2014年間爆發出許多食品用油的安全問題,食品用油製造業者為了獲取更多的利潤,罔顧消費者的健康,使用了不法的食品添加物於食用油中以冒充高級的橄欖油;由越南進口飼料級原料用油至台灣再經過精煉的加工技術製成合於衛生標準的食品用油,販售給不知情的消費者,影響全民健康至鉅。 本研究主要以大統長基食品廠股份有限公司及味全食品工業股份有限公司兩家企業產製的食品用油之違反事證,檢討我國食品衛生管理法對於不法產品何以無法達到有效的管理以及如何因應修訂將安全之管理之核心目標以達到管理的目的,以符合食品安全衛生管理法開宗明義:為管理食品衛生安全及品質,維護國民健康,特制定本法之意旨。 本研究得出以下結論: 1.油品安全事件暴露了台灣食品衛生安全制度中法制不周全等問題。 2.各機關在油品安全事件爆發後縱向溝通、橫向聯繫機制有待加強。 3.行政院衛生福利部食品藥物管理署為強化食品安全重新修訂「食品安 全衛生管理法」於中華民國一百零四年十二月十六日總統令修正公布。


As a famous Chinese proverb stated in the biography of Li Shi Qi from the historical record of Han dynasty, that "People are the most important to an emperor, while foods are the most important to the people". It points out so clearly that the well-being of the ruler’s people should be the utmost concern to him, and this concern is best addressed by keeping his people well fed. During the period from late 2013 to early 2014, there had been outburst of food safety scandals regarding oil quality. In order to make more profit, food manufacturers not only shrug their shoulders and ignore consumers’ well-being, they also refined and repackaged those oils and sold them to clients. The series of incidents had put people at risk, and crushed consumers’ confidence in the safety of the food supply. This study is an evaluation and review of the adulterated cooking oils that these two companies, Chang Chi Foodstuff Factory Co., Ltd, and Wei Chuan Foods Corporation, how they breached the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation regulations and how the food law was inadequate to regulate the misfeasance. The current food law fails to meet the General Principles of Chapter I, Article 1, that “This Act is enacted to govern the food sanitation, safety, and quality, and protect the health of citizens.” From my study, the following conclusions had been drawn out from the study: 1. Fake oil scandals had exposed the failure of Taiwan’s food hygiene and safety system, which should be reviewed urgently. 2. The authorities, involved in this incident, fail in their vertical and horizontal communication and cooperation. 3. Food and Drug Administration has released a revised version of "Food Safety and Health Management Law" on December 16, 2015.

主题分类 醫學院 > 生物科技學系
生物農學 > 生物科學
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