


A Survey Study of Aesthetic Experience, Creativity Teaching and Understanding of the New Curricula of Skill-based Senior High School Teachers in Home Economics Group Departments




美感經驗 ; 創造力教學 ; 新課程綱要 ; 家政群科教師 ; aesthetic experience ; creativity teaching ; new directions for curricula ; teachers in home economics group departments












本研究旨在探討我國技術型高級中等學校家政群科教師對於美感經驗、創造力教學與(108)新課程綱要認知之調查研究。以台灣地區技術型高級中等學校家政群科教師為樣本,藉由問卷調查方式彙集實徵資料,瞭解技術型高級中等學校家政群科教師對美感經驗、創造力教學及新課程綱要認知之現況及其差異,以提供未來技術型高級中等家政群科學校,實施(108)新課程綱要之參考依據。根據教育部107年度公布之技術型高級中等家政群科學校共計103所,並以集群分析及分層隨機抽樣方式,依學校教師比例抽取27所學校,紙本問卷回收255份(回收率98%),網路問卷回收56份,有效樣本數共計311份。問卷研究工具內容包括教師基本資料、美感經驗、創造力教學及新課綱要認知等四部分。 研究結果顯示:(一)技術型高中家政群科教師美感經驗、創造力教學與新課程綱要認知均有高程度認同;(二)教師美感經驗、創造力教學與新課程綱要認知中,曾參加美學相關課程研習顯著高於未參加研習之教師;(三)教師年齡31-40歲對新課程綱要認知顯著高於41-50歲教師;(四)教師美感經驗在任教科別中,任教服裝科、美容科顯著高於幼保科;在新課程綱要認知中,任教美容科顯著高於幼保科;(五)教師美感經驗、創造力教學及新課程綱要認知在不同學歷中,碩博士學歷顯著高於大學學歷教師;(六)教師擔任不同職務對新課程綱要認知達顯著差異,有兼任行政職務教師顯著高於專任、兼任導師及代理代課教師;(七)教師美感經驗、創造力教學與新課程綱要認知皆相互呈現正相關;(八)使用最小平方法(PLS)進行模型檢測並探討各變項間關係,研究結果發現美感經驗對新課程綱要認知的實施有其正向影響,且創造力教學具部分中介效果;若強化教師美感經驗,可提升創造力教學能力,將有效促進新課程綱要認知的提升。


This study aimed to explore the relationships among this nation’s skill-based senior high school home economics teachers' aesthetic experience, creativity teaching, and understanding of the new curricula (to be implemented in 2019 academic year). This study took the skill-based senior high school home economics teachers in Taiwan as samples, used questionnaires to collect empirical data, and further to explore the current situation and differences of the skill-based senior high school home economics teachers' aesthetic experience, creativity teaching, and understanding of the new curricula. These provided the skill-based senior high schools with home economics group departments a reference basis for the implementation of the new curricula. According to the in for mation by the Ministry of Education in the 2018 academic year, there were 103 vocational high schools which had at least one home economics group department. The researcher used cluster analysis and stratified random sampling methods to select 27 schools according to the proportion of teachers in the school. Two hundred and fifty five paper questionnaires were recovered (response rate: 98%), and 56 online questionnaires were recovered, the total effective sample size was 311. The questionnaire included four parts: basic information, aesthetic experience, creativity teaching, and understanding of new directions for curricula. The results of the study were as follows: (1) Skill-based senior high school teachers in home economics group departments had a high sense of identity for aesthetic experience, creativity teaching and understanding of the new curricula. (2) teachers’ aesthetic experience, creativity teaching, and understanding of new directions for curricula, the teachers who participated in the study were significantly higher than those who did not participate in the seminars or workshops. (3) In terms of teachers’ understanding of new directions for curricula, teachers aged 31-40 were significantly higher than teachers aged 41-50. (4) In the influence of teachers' aesthetic experience on their teaching subjects, teachers of Dept. of Clothing Making or Beautification were significantly higher than teachers of Dept. of Early Childhood Care and Education. (5) With regard to the influence of different academic qualifications, those teachers’ with master's degree or doctoral degree were significantly higher than those with university degrees in aesthetic experience, creative teaching and understanding of new directions for curricula. (6) Teachers’ with different positions had significant differences in understanding of new directions for curricula. Those serving concurrently as administrators of school affairs were higher than the others on this variable. (7) Teachers’ aesthetic experience, creativity teaching, and understanding of the directions for curricula were positively related to each other. (8) Researcher used the partial least squares (PLS) method to test the model and explore the relationship between the variables. The results showed that the aesthetic experience had a positive impact on understanding of new directions for curricula, and the creative teaching variable had partial mediating effects. It was inferred if the teacher's aesthetic experience was strengthened, the creativity teaching ability could be improved, and understanding of new directions for curricula could be effectively promoted.

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