The achievement goal theory (Dweck&Leggett, 1988; Nicholls, 1989) states that the dispositional goal orientations (DGO) and the perceptions of motivational climate (PMC) are two constructs of motivation that interact to affect adopting a certain goal of action in achievement setting. Hence, the purpose of this study was to examine the predictive power and interaction of DGO and PMC in predicting the goal involvement (GI). One hundred and seventy-one handball male players from 16 high school teams participated in this study. The mean age of the high school handball athletes was 16 years old. All the participants were asked to complete a series of paper-and-pencil questionnaires measuring DGO, PMC, and GI. Data were processed through moderated hierarchical regression analyses. The major results showed that: 1. Perception of mastery climate (PMAC) has higher power than DGO in predicting the task involvement (TI), and perception of performance climate has higher power than DGO in predicting the ego involvement (EI). 2. There was a significant interaction of DGO and PMC in predicting GI. In conclusion, it was found that when dependent variables were more situation referenced and state-like, PMC became a more effective predictor. Moreover, high PMAC could complement TI of high and low task orientation and reduce EI of high ego orientation.
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