


The Development of Motivation for the Exercise Inventory




周嘉琪(Chia-Chi Chou);胡凱揚(Kai-Yung Hu)


健身運動參與動機 ; 信度 ; 效度 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; motivation for exercise ; reliability ; validity ; confirmatory factor analysis




7卷1期(2005 / 03 / 31)


117 - 129




本研究之目的在於探索健身運動參與動機的內涵,並發展出一份具有信效度的健身運動參與動機量表。整個編製過程分為下列二個階段:第一階段主要以Cash等(1994)之健身運動參與原因量表(Reasons for Exercise Inventory)為藍本,並參考其他文獻將健身運動參與動機分作體適能/健康管理、外表/體重管理、壓力/情緒管理、社交/休閒、以及重要他人的影響五個因素,共37題。以205位個人項目的健身運動參與者為預試對象,採探索性因素分析進行初步量表的信、效度考驗。第二階段以400位健身運動參與者為研究對象,採驗證性因素分析(LISREL 8.52版)考驗量表假設性測量模式與各分量表的構面是否適配。研究結果發現:一、健身運動參與動機量表包括體適能/健康管理、外表/體重管理、壓力/情緒管理、社交/休閒四個分量表,共有19題,累積解釋變異量為52.33%。各因素Cronbach α介於0.78~0.84,全量表為0.79,顯示本量表具有良好的建構效度與信度。二、正式施測之驗證性因素分析顯示四個分量表分別代表四個不同的潛在變項,修改後的量表模式適合度良好,具有良好的建構效度(χ^2(下標 (144))=157.25, χ^2/df=1.09, GFI=0.96, RMR=0.10, AGFI=0.95, RMSEA=0.02, NFI=0.87, NNFI=0.99, CFI=0.99)。


The purpose of this study was to identify the motivation for exercise and to develop a reliable and valid inventory. This study was conducted in two phases. In phase one, the preliminary conceptual basis for motivation for exercise was derived from Reasons for Exercise Inventory (Cash et al., 1994) and other literatures. The preliminary Motivation for Exercise Inventory (MET) contained 37 items with five sub-scales: Fitness/Health Management, Appearance/Weight Management, Stress/Emotion Management, Social/Leisure, Impact from Significant Other. 205 participants participated in the individual exercise in the preliminary study. The exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach α were used to examine the validity and reliability. In phase two, there were 400 participants who participated in the exercise. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the goodness-of-fit of the hypothetical measurement model. The results of this study indicated that: 1. The final vision of Motivation for Exercise Inventory contained 19 items with four sub-scales: Fitness/Health Management, Appearance/Weight Management, Stress/Emotion Management, Social/Leisure. The four sub-scales accounted for 52.33% of total variance, and the Cronbach a coefficient was 0.79. The Cronbach α coefficients of four sub-scales ranged from 0.78 to 0.84. The results of MEI revealed an acceptable reliability and construct validity. 2. The results of CFA indicated that the modified model of MEI fitted the data (χ^2(subscript (144))=157.25, χ^2/df=1.09, GFI=0.96, RMR=0.10, AGFI=0.95, RMSEA=0.02, NFI=0.87, NNFI=0.99, CFI=0.99).

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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