


Restorative justice applied to deviant behavior juvenile conflict incidents scope and effectiveness




洪文玲(Wen Ling Hung)


修復式正義 ; 偏差行為 ; 衝突事件 ; Restorative justice ; deviant behavior ; conflict events




75卷4期(2022 / 04 / 01)


33 - 50






Discuss the related causes of deviant behaviors of adolescents, including the possibility that the child may grow up in a high-risk family, or that the main caregivers may affect the personality and physical and mental development of adolescents due to poverty, single parenting, inter-generational upbringing, and other disadvantages, as well as the unfriendly community growth environment, It is easy to make young people go astray, and then increase the possibility of their involvement in criminal acts. According to the profile of juvenile delinquency in 2020, 2,887 people (7.3 times) of "disturbing order" increased the most, mainly due to the amendment of the Criminal Law and the active prevention of street violence. Therefore, how to prevent dangerous juvenile delinquency and make young people healthy in the community And the growth of goodness is obviously important (Policy Statistics Bulletin, 12th week of 2021). Therefore, this study uses a qualitative interview with local prosecutor's office repair promoter with a professional background in education, and uses his point of view to discuss the counseling of juveniles in conflicts in the community or school. Therefore, the following points can be summarized: 1. Regarding the problems and dilemmas faced by the juvenile conflict incident in the operation of restorative justice, as research suggestions. 2. For the restoration facilitator, analyze its function during the restoration process, so that the relevant education and judicial units can use it as a reference for the juvenile counseling policy. 3. Based on the findings of the research, construct and improve the rehabilitation and counseling mechanism for juveniles, and assist in the restoration of conflict incident relations.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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