


Toward A Content-Accuracy Orientation of Translation




孫順智(Shun-chih Sun)


翻譯 ; 內容精確取向 ; 學術領域 ; 機器翻譯 ; Translation ; Content-Accuracy Orientation ; Academic Area ; Machine Translation




7輯(2002 / 12 / 01)


53 - 74




隨著21世紀科技發展時代的來臨,翻譯參考資料日益豐富,溝通日形方便,甚至於人工智能的機器翻譯也已經研發問世。但是電腦還需人腦操縱。因此在翻譯方面,內容的精確,仍然值得探討的基本問題。 前人及當代學者皆曾致力於翻譯之研究,從語法上,語意上及其他方面提出「信、達、雅」等主張,學者迭有論辯。但筆者主張,翻譯方面最要注重的是內容精確與否的問題。設若翻譯的內容不精確,則譯得再怎麼典雅,詞句再怎麼暢順,都是無濟於事。因此翻譯內容之不精確,是最需注意的問題。 欲達成翻譯內容之精確,首須對原文有充分之瞭解。不只是對語法的瞭解,對語義的瞭解,還需對原文之文化內涵充分瞭解,更需對原文所屬的學科領域有充分的瞭解。因此,翻譯時文字語法之對比固然有價值,但不宜過於遷就。宜對文義對比,文化內涵對比,尤其是對讓學術領域多下功夫,才易有精確的翻譯。對原文及譯文的文字修養,尤其是該學科領域的修養是邁向翻譯內容精確的不二法門。 至於翻譯自由度問題,有學者將之分為逐字對譯、字面翻譯、語意翻譯、傳意翻譯、編譯、改寫等類型。固然言之成理,但那只是為了說明之方便,實際上無此分類之必要,因為只要是翻譯內容精確,就無需強作此等分類。以免化簡為繁。


The 21st century has come, references for doing translation have increased, communications have become more convenient than ever before, and even machine translation has developed. However, machine translation still needs human beings for fine-tuning, and hence, accuracy of content is still a problematic issue for translators. Previous and contemporary translation researchers have focused on various aspects of translation including linguistics, semantics, accuracy, understandability and elegance. However, I regard “accuracy of content” as the most critical because even if the content of translation is understandable and elegant, once the content of translation becomes inaccurate, the meaning is lost. Hence content-accuracy is the most important factor in translation. In order to achieve content-accuracy, the translator should have full understanding not only of the grammar and the semantics, but also the culture and even the academic field in relation to the source text. S/he cannot stick to grammar too much; the translator has to pay more attention to the contrast analysis of semantics and culture, and especially related academic fields to achieve “accuracy”. The literal ability, cultural ability and especially the related academic ability are keys to accurate translation. As to the degree of tree choice in rendering between the source text and the target text, some scholars have categorized translation methods into word-for-word translation, literal translation, semantic translation, communicative translation, free translation, adaptation and so on. In my opinion, this sort of categorizing is only useful for explaining the translation methods, however, in translation practice, content-accuracy should be of more concern.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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