


The Study of Using Translation in Foreign Language Teaching




廖柏森(Po-Sen Liao)


翻譯 ; 外語教學 ; 溝通式語言教學 ; Translation ; foreign language teaching ; Communicative Language Teaching




8輯(2003 / 12 / 01)


225 - 244




翻譯與外語教學的關係極爲密切,不過不同的外語教學方法對於翻譯所扮演的角色卻有截然不同的看法。雖然有教學法視翻譯爲外語教學上重要的練習活動和評量工具,但也有些教學法則對翻譯敬而遠之,以免學生的外語學習受到母語的幹擾,産生外語錯誤或降低學習成效。不過學生在外語學習的過程中使用翻譯實是難以避免的心智認知活動,課堂上學生需要翻譯的學習需求常常和教師對於翻譯的負面信念相互抵觸,因此翻譯活動在外語教學上的定位一直未能釐清。本文旨在提出,近年來受到認知學習理論(cognitive-code learning theory)和社會建構主義 (social constructivism)等學習理論興起的影響,國內外許多的實證研究報告已指出在外語教學上使用翻譯是種頗具價值的資源和工具,但使用翻譯幷非是要重返過去文法翻譯教學法(Grammar-Translation)的老路,而是與目前盛行的溝通式語言教學法(Communicative Language Teaching)結合,提升學生外語的溝通能力。因此本文探討了翻譯在各種外語教學法中所扮演的不同角色、翻譯在外語教學中所可能産生正面和負面的效應、以及如何有效地使用翻譯來增進外語教學的成效,俾便外語教師能對翻譯抱持比較客觀持平的態度,進而將翻譯整合至其授課內容,實施多元教學活動,以培植學子多方的語言技能。


The relationship between translation and foreign language teaching has long been dynamic, but translation has often played different roles under various language teaching methods. While some foreign language teaching methods consider translation as a critical means to ensure learners' language comprehension and production, other methods may ban or discourage the use of translation in the classroom to avoid interference from students' mother tongue. Although the use of translation in foreign language teaching is much questioned by many language teachers, students continue to use it as an inevitable mental process to facilitate language learning. It seems that the function of translation in foreign language teaching has not been specified. Furthermore, with the emergence of cognitive-code learning theory and social constructivism in recent decades, an increasing number of publications have reassessed the positive contribution that translation can make to foreign language teaching. Therefore, this study is primarily aimed at assessing possible roles of translation, both positive and negative, in foreign language teaching, suggesting that the modem use of translation in the classroom does not mean a comeback of the traditional. Grammar-Translation Method, but implies its employment as a technique or an activity. This article also hopes to sensitize foreign language teachers to a variety of perspectives on translation and in turn teachers could actually incorporate translation into their classrooms as a teaching technique in order to enhance learners' foreign language competence.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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