
Mapping out Students' Translation Process: An MT-specific Comparative Study






史宗玲(Chung-Ling Shih)


機器翻譯相關之對比研究 ; 翻譯過程 ; 翻譯錯誤 ; 翻譯單位 ; 翻譯時間 ; post-MT editing ; translation errors ; units ; time ; the translation process




10輯(2007 / 12 / 01)


163 - 190




近年來,許多有聲思考研究(think-aloud protocols /TAP)學者紛紛從估算翻譯過程之暫停(pauses)次數及觀察譯者內心訴說記錄,以便找尋翻譯過程(the translation process)之共同模組。本研究與此不同,乃是比較兩組學生,使用機器翻譯工具(the MT tool)及非使用機器翻譯工具之翻譯過程有何差異。本機器翻譯相關之對比研究(an MT-specific comparative study),主要是調查兩組學生譯本之翻譯錯誤次數(the number of translation errors)、翻譯單位(translation unit) 及翻譯時間。分析學生譯本之翻譯錯誤種類及次數,可對比出學生進行後機器翻譯編輯及人工翻譯所運用之不同策略。此外,對比學生所使用之翻譯單位,有助於我們瞭解機器翻譯工具所造成不完美翻譯風格之缺憾(the flaw of stylistic inadequacy)。最後,我們比對學生使用機器翻譯工具及非使用機器翻譯工具所花費之時間,以得知機器輔助學生翻譯之時間效益。同時,我們與若干位學生進行非正式訪談(the informal interview),以瞭解機器翻譯工具對於他們在心理層面所造成之正面影響(positive affective contribution)。然而我們需承認,參與本研究之學生不多(共二十位大學生),而實驗文本只有一篇,故本研究之結果無法含蓋所有學生翻譯之變數,也無法整理出其翻譯過程之固定模組。但本研究之結果已披露機器翻譯工具之優缺點,故可供作日後機器翻譯教學之針砭,並為翻譯過程之理論研究提供另一向度之實證參考。


To map out the translation process, most think-aloud protocols (TAP) calculate the number of pauses and the translator's verbalization, but this study administered a MT-specific translation project with a comparison of two translation tests with and without the MT use. The criteria used in this comparison involved translation errors, units and time. We analyzed translation errors to distinguish between the different translation strategies that students have used to edit the MT output and to translate the source text. In addition, we compared the types and distribution of translation units and found that the post-MT editing leads to the stylistic inadequacy in the translation with the help of the MT system. Finally, the times needed for the two translation tests were compared and the result indicated there are fewer breakdowns in the test with MT use than without its use. To supplement these linguistic issues, we interviewed students to explore the affective factors. Due to the limitation in the number of subjects, the source text and the MT tool, the result of this MT-specific comparative study can not be generalized to the universal pattern of students' translation process. However, these findings have shed some light on the strengths and weaknesses of students' translation process with and without the help of the MT system and then provide some guidelines for future improvement in post-MT editing teaching. More importantly, this empirical research serves as an alternative approach to the typical TAP methods in the process-oriented translation studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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