This research project investigates whether or not the explicitation feature that results from the use of connectives exists in the Chinese-English translation of journalistic texts as it does in the translations of other types of texts in other language pairs. More importantly, we probe how the explicitation tendency relates to the translator's psychological operation to avert the risk of miscommunication and the accusation of a bad, irresponsible translator. We test the explicitation hypothesis on a nearly 550,000-word comparable corpus that contains a subcorpus of Chinese-English translated news articles and a subcorpus of non-translated English news articles. The findings justify the explicitation hypothesis because translated journalistic texts shows a higher level of explicitness than non-translated texts as the result of the use of that, conjunctions and transitional words. We infer that the explicitation phenomenon concerns the translator's attempt to enhance the audience's comprehension through the use of some risk management strategies such as prudent judgment, psychological analogy between translators and readers, and risk aversion. In the light of this successful corpus-based translation studies (CTS), we recommend that the explicitation research be replicated in the future larger-scale journalistic translations of other language pairs to gain the more genuine result and more significant insights.
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