


Constructing Meanings and Authority in Bilingual Health Care




謝怡玲(Elaine Hsieh);孔海英(Hai-Ying Kong);Eric Mark Kramer


醫療口譯 ; 雙語醫療 ; 社會建構 ; 語言意識 ; Medical Interpreting ; Bilingual Health Care ; Social Construction ; Language Ideology




12輯(2009 / 07 / 01)


87 - 123






This study examines interpreters' and health care providers' understanding and negotiation of authority and trust in bilingual health care. Twenty-six professional interpreters (of 17 languages) were recruited for in-depth interviews. In addition, 32 health care providers from 4 specialties (i.e., mental health, nursing, oncology, and OB/GYN) were recruited to participate in in-depth interviews and focus groups. By recognizing interpreter-mediated medical encounters as a complex phenomenon, we investigate (a) providers' and interpreters' understanding and negotiation of their authority in constructing meanings, and (b) providers' and interpreters' competition and collaboration in constructing meanings in medical encounters.<BR>The findings highlight several issues that are critical to the construction of authority in bilingual medical encounters. First, interpreters utilize a specialized speech genre and various semiotic resources (e.g., linguistic, spatial, nonverbal resources) to construct meanings during bilingual medical encounters. Interpreters actively influence the process and content of the medical discourse. In addition, providers may change their communicative behaviors in response to the interpreters' management of communicative contexts. Second, the frames of references (i.e., frames that are used to derive meanings and construct authority) for individuals involved in a bilingual medical encounter may not be consistent or compatible with each other. Interpreters utilize the genre of interpreter-mediated talk to derive meanings, whereas other participants often are not familiar with such a frame and use their own cultural norms and monolingual talk to derive meanings. In addition, health care providers may filter a patient's talk through their expertise-specific frame, whereas interpreters manage the medical discourse as a holistic event. Third, the construction of meanings and authority in bilingual medical encounter is an interactive process, requiring individuals to negotiate the appropriate and effective use of semiotic resources and frames of references. Although health care providers have the institutional status and medical expertise to assert legitimate power in the medical encounter, interpreters are the ones who decide how providers’ voices are told or heard. By means of their communicative strategies, interpreters construct meanings through the identity of others. Their construction also involves relational and informational management, a power that is de facto to the very process of mediation. Mediation is a form of power. In addition, interpreters may assert their expertise in cultural and linguistic issues, and thus, claim legitimate power in asserting control over the information exchanged in the medical discourse.<BR>No one has the sole authorship to his or her own voice in interpreter-mediated encounter. The provider's (and the patient's) voice is mediated through the interpreter’s performance. The interpreter's voice remains hidden while being constantly monitored, supervised, and rectified by the provider. Interpreters and Providers differentiate their understanding of and response to (a) meanings across various semiotic resources, such as verbal, nonverbal, spatial, and emotional information, and (b) functions of the provider-patient conversations, such as relationship building, therapeutic purposes, and identity management.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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