


"The 'Traitorous' Translators: Anxiety of the Ruling Class towards Translators in Chinese Translation History"




王宏志(Lawrence Wang-Chi Wong)


譯者 ; 通事 ; 翻譯研究 ; translators ; tongshi linguists ; translation studies




13輯(2010 / 11 / 01)


1 - 55




“翻譯即叛逆”是一句老生常談的話,指的是翻譯無可避免地背離原著。然而,本文並不是以這種“原著中心”的傳統文本對照方式去討論翻譯,而是嘗試從中國文化和歷史的角度切入,探研翻譯研究其中一個最重要的元素―譯者,審視其在中國傳統政治、文化、社會系統中的文化位置,重點討論的時段是十八世紀下半以來西方(尤其是英國)嘗試打開中國大門的時候。 長久以來,中國譯者地位低微,各朝代雖多設有譯官之職,但大都是品秩低下,無足輕重的。這情況到清中葉以後“忽與泰西諸國相遇”之際,不但沒有改善,且更趨嚴重。究其原因,無論是被稱為“舌人”、“象骨”還是“通事”,譯者的工作本來沈是與小國蠻夷打交道,實在沒有值得尊重的理由。然而,令人更感憂慮的是,由於譯者掌握外語,具備了與“敵人”溝通的能力,因而時常引來統治者的焦慮、懷疑、防範,以至敵視。在統治者心裏,幾乎所有譯者都有可能是叛逆者―政治上的叛逆者,通番賣國、勾結外夷。在十八、十九世紀清廷不少文書衰,譯者(通事)幾乎就是“漢奸”的同義詞。 本文透過整理及分析清中葉以來一些譯者的歷史個案以及朝廷有關翻譯和譯者的話語,一方面說明在這一時期特殊的政治和文化空間下,懂得外語的譯者不但不能多作貢獻,反而身陷險境,經常受到攻擊;另一方面則展示統治者對於缺乏與外國溝通的能力而需仗賴翻譯的焦慮,而這種焦慮被轉化為對譯者的懷疑以至敵視,最終建構出譯者特殊的負面政治和文化位置。這其實具有深遠的影響:即使1860年代以後清廷開始推行洋務,著手翻譯西書以自強,但譯者地位低微,時刻受到監控,大大地窒礙了維新的進展。文章最後的部分會以英國在侵華過程中對譯者的倚重作對比,藉以闡明兩國譯者所處的不同位置,如何影響中英最早交往的勝敗,而由此亦証明譯者對國家和社會的實際功能。


While ”traduttore traditore” is often quoted in translation discourses to denote the impossibility to produce a translation that resembles the original fully, for a long time in Imperial China translators were often considered real political traitors, or were under constant suspicion of traitorous acts towards their country. As the only group of people who could communicate with foreigners, they were suspected of colluding with the ”foreign devils” to harm national interests. The present paper analyzes the general as well as the official attitudes towards translators, the tongshi (linguists) in China in the 18-19th century, when Westerners, in particular the British, attempted to open the door of China. It also discusses cases in which translators were almost taken as spies and accused of treachery without concrete evidence. It is argued that such attitudes brought serious consequences to the country: not only was effective communication with the West hindered, but the progress of the reform movement from the 1680s onwards was heavily delayed, as no one wanted to become a translator or take translation seriously.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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