The ”Tao Te Ching” is one of the most translated Chinese texts in history. Throughout time, countless commentators and translators across the globe have approached the exegesis of this ancient canon via different means and towards different ends. In this paper, hermeneuticist Michael LaFargue's (1992) English translation of this ancient text is observed to examine the historical hermeneutic methodology attempted in the reconstruction of meaning in the Chinese source text, with primary focus on its central themes, namely Tao and Te. This paper first reviews the periodization of ”Tao Te Ching” translations, in particular the recent characteristic of foreignization and its relation to hermeneutics. The special status of the ancient text is due to its antiquity, which subsequently brings forth the necessity of reconstruction of meaning, where LaFargue's historical hermeneutic reconstruction is examined, and his resultant treatment of the translation of Tao and Te analyzed. This further brings forward the related issues in translation studies, especially the advocacy of a source-oriented approach in translating the ”Tao Te Ching”, arriving at a closer understanding between cultures, through linguistic actions such as translation. It is hoped that this study on LaFargue's exemplary reconstruction of the ”Tao Te Ching” can deepen our understanding of the special nature of the text itself, thereby offering some insight into the translation of ancient canonical texts from Classical Chinese to Modern English.
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