Based on practical experience in directing a translation-publication project of an introductory textbook in economics, the authors analyze how economics (both as substantive content and guiding principle for action) and skopos theory in translation come together to set up the strategic objectives for the project, namely, to educate the readers with economics and to motivate them into thinking and acting economically. The authors then discuss how their tactical choices in translation (involving annotation, contextual consideration, sentence structure, and even technical terms), informed by translation theory (including Reiss's text typology and Nida's functional equivalence) and detailed economic theory, materialize the strategic objectives for the project and enhance the quality of translation in the final product. With these two propositions positively demonstrated, the paper not only attests that knowledge in the substantive content offers great help for the translators (and editors) in translation, but also testifies to the tremendous value of translation theory in actual practice of translation. Finally, the authors appeal for the necessary participation from fellow translators and researchers to advance human knowledge, so as to bring forth a freer and more prosperous society.
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