
The Authorship of Can Shijie: The Devil Is in the Details of Source-tracing




強勇傑(Ivan Yung-Chieh Chiang)


雨果 ; 悲慘世界 ; 慘社會 ; 慘世界 ; 蘇曼殊 ; 陳獨秀 ; 跨文本比較 ; 系譜研究 ; Victor Hugo ; Les Misérables ; Can Shehui ; Can Shijie ; Su Manshu ; Chen Duxiu ; intertextual comparison and contrast ; genealogical study




18輯(2014 / 12 / 01)


69 - 100




蘇曼殊譯自雨果《悲慘世界》的中譯本有二個版本:一為在報上連載的《慘社會》(1903),一為隔年發行的單行本《慘世界》(1904),後者最後完結的三餘章是前者所沒有的,此三餘章的譯者為何,向來爭議不斷,有主張為蘇曼殊所譯,也有認為是陳獨秀完成的。為解決此一爭議,本文從蘇、陳二人不同的語言背景以及翻譯所需的語言能力為判斷依據:如能得知此三餘章翻譯時所採取的語言底本為何,則其譯者即可斷定。為了追溯此中譯的語言底本,本文進行跨語言、跨文本的比較,將中譯本與可能的日文、英文、法文版本交叉比對,釐清彼此傳承關係,確定中譯本是譯自英文,很可能是威爾伯(Charles E. Wilbour)的版本。由於陳獨秀在1904年時的英文程度並無法從英文翻譯《悲慘世界》,加上本研究結果與本人先前研究《慘社會》底本的結果完全一致,故可確定《慘世界》最後三餘章為蘇曼殊所譯,亦即《慘社會》與《慘世界》的譯者皆為蘇曼殊,陳獨秀的角色只是編輯潤飾而已。


Su Manshu's Chinese rendition of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables involves two versions of varied lengths: the newspaper serial Can Shehui (1903) and the separate reprint Can Shijie (1904), the latter containing the concluding three-odd chapters which are absent in the former. The authorship of the supplemented chapters in the separate version has been a topic of inconclusive dispute, with two opposing views supporting Su Manshu and Chen Duxiu respectively. To solve the long unsettled mystery, this paper approaches the issue with the premise that judging from the different backgrounds in language education between Su and Chen, the translator of the appended chapters can be easily determined if the source language from which the Chinese text was translated can be identified. In order to trace the source of the Chinese translation, an interlingual, intertextual comparison is conducted in this paper. By juxtaposing the Chinese text with possible Japanese, English and French versions and sorting out their genealogical relationships, this paper argues that the Chinese text is rendered from an English version, most probably from Charles E. Wilbour's translation. Since Chen Duxiu's English capacity in 1904 was not good enough for him to translate from an English Les Misérables, and since my findings in this paper are consistent with the result achieved in my previous study which deals with the source-tracing of Can Shehui, we may be certain that the final three-odd chapters of Can Shijie were translated by Su Manshu, which means that both Can Shehui and Can Shijie were rendered by one and the same person. Chen Duxiu served only as editor and polisher in the process.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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