


The loss and gain of using similes in the translation of Fortress Besieged


董大暉(Da Hui Dong);陳孟琳(Meng-lin Chen)


明喻 ; 翻譯策略 ; 圍城 ; 語料庫 ; simile ; translation strategy ; Fortress Besieged ; corpus




20輯(2016 / 12 / 01)


27 - 44




《圍城》為錢鍾書先生的成名著作之一,其設喻精彩絕倫,喻體包羅萬象,而由Jeanne Kelly 和Nathan K.Mao 合譯之英譯本也受到高度評價,受英語讀者喜愛。本文分析《圍城》英譯本中明喻翻譯策略,並探討其得失。前人對文學作品翻譯研究發現,譯文中出現的明喻並不一定對應源語的明喻,譯者還常將源語的隱喻譯成明喻,或直接創作明喻等。本研究採用Toury (1995)之「目的語導向」(Target-Oriented)的描述翻譯研究方法分析了明喻的翻譯。這種逆向研究方法不但能檢驗從源語導向研究方法得出的研究結果,還能揭示傳統研究方法未發現的問題,從而拓展了研究的視界(Munday, 2009; Schäffner, 2004)。本研究以英譯本為研究材料,透過建立平行語料庫,將譯本中含明喻的譯文與源語對齊,進而探索譯者在處理源語何種修飾手法時採用了明喻的翻譯策略。研究表明,由於源語與目的語之間存在著文化差異,為了能使目的語讀者更好地理解源語的文化內涵,譯文中的明喻大多譯自明喻,有些是譯自隱喻,還有一些明喻來自作者的直接創作。將源語明喻譯為明喻是譯者主要的翻譯策略。這些翻譯策略相輔相成,最大限度地使譯本在保持中文特色的同時,又讓英文讀者便於理解、領會作品的深層意義。本研究可為文學翻譯的教學和實務提供一定的助益。


This paper aims to explore the translation strategies of using similes in Fortress Besieged. Building a parallel translation corpus of the novel Fortress Besieged written by Qian Zhongshu and its English version translated by Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao, the current study has identified the situations under which the translators chose to use similes, and analyzed their translation strategies with detailed examples. In conclusion, the paper finds that the two translators have employed simile-simile as the main translation strategy, supplemented by metaphor-simile and self-creation strategies. The proper combination of these strategies helps keep the unique Chinese cultural characteristics in the translation and make the English reader better appreciate the profound meaning in the original work.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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