


The Dynamic Evolution between Society, Language and Translation: A Case Study of Europeanised Chinese Language and Translation in Lianhe Zaobao


孫夢漪(Sun Mengyi);崔峰(Cui Feng)


歐化中文 ; 語言政策 ; 描述性翻譯研究 ; 社會因素 ; 《聯合早報》 ; Europeanised Chinese language ; language policies ; Descriptive Translation Studies ; social impact ; Lianhe Zaobao




21輯(2018 / 07 / 01)


125 - 145






The Europeanisation of Chinese language, which refers to the tendency of use of Europeanised sentence structures and expressions in Chinese language, caused by the impact of Indo-European languages, has first emerged in the 19^(th) century. Numerous linguists and translation scholars admit the impact of translation on the development of Chinese language. The Europeanisation of Chinese language is closely related to English-Chinese translation. Since the 1990s, the cultural turn has implanted itself in Translation Studies, which takes translation studies away from purely linguistic analysis, and brings it into contact with other disciplines. As a multi-racial country, Singapore possesses the language policy that fuses the West and the East. And British's colonial rule for more than hundred years makes the Europeanisation of Chinese language in Singapore Chinese newspaper more typical and unique. Moreover, with the changes in cultural background and language policies, the phenomenon of Europeanisation of translated text differs in specific historical periods. This paper uses the English-Chinese translated text from "Opinion Section" of Lianhe Zaobao from 1983 to 2015 as a case study to deduce and summarise the trend of Europeanised Chinese language used in Singapore Chinese newspaper, by looking into the tendency of the use of attributes, conjunctions and "Shi" (是) sentences through the analysis of the statistics collected. Furthermore, this paper investigates the formation of Europeanised Chinese translation in Singapore by examining the local language policies established in the past years. The concept of Descriptive Translation Studies will be examined as well.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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