


Orphan of Asia: Translation, Retranlation and Voices Outside the Translated Texts


鄧敏君(Minchun Teng)


翻譯與重譯 ; 《亞細亞的孤兒》 ; 副文本的聲音 ; translation and retranslation ; Orphan of Asia ; voice of paratexts




22輯(2018 / 12 / 01)


83 - 100






Wu Chuo-liu (1900-1976) has been called a pioneer of Taiwanese literature. The impact and importance that his Orphan of Asia has had on the literary history of Taiwan is evident. There has been some discussion scattered throughout different journals and magazines covering the original and the translations, and the initial and subsequent translations, but there has been no theoretical investigation or inductive approach to the subject from the perspective of translation studies. Orphan of Asia was originally written in Japanese, but most contemporary readers only have access to the work through Chinese translation, of which there are three major editions: Yang Shao-ch'ih (1959), Fu En-jung (1962), and Huang Yu-yen (2005). Something interesting happened to translations published after 1966 -the names of the translators no longer appeared alongside Wu Chuo-liu's. When Huang's translation appeared in 2005, it served as a reminder that the Chinese version of Orphan of Asia is indeed a translation. The reviews that followed the 2005 edition also provide us with a new opportunity to reconsider the existence and meanings of the translations. This paper investigates the paratexts surrounding the original and the translations, such as the text on the front and back covers, the translator's preface and translation notes, the editor's preface, and the other symbols and notes inside the books, which help in exploring the motives behind translation and retranslation as well as the translator's subjectivity. This paper also analyzes the academic research produced in Taiwan on the subject of Orphan of Asia, as well as articles, reports, and op-eds from magazines and newspapers to examine how translations and retranslations transform and adapt when entering the target culture in Taiwan. This paper also discusses the paradox of a translation not considered a translation, and how this reflects the translation norms and social atmosphere, as well as the ideology and collective consciousness of the Taiwanese people at particular times. Exploring these voices outside the original text and translations helps us investigate how these voices reflect transformations in the collective consciousness of the Taiwanese.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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