
Metacognitive teaching of machine translation: Moving towards mind-on/thinking-based learning




史宗玲(Chung-ling Shih)


MT teaching ; mind-on/thinking-based learning ; pre/post-editing ; metacognitive strategies ; remedial measures ; MT教學 ; 動腦/基於思維的學習 ; 前/後編輯 ; 後設認知策略 ; 補救措施




23輯(2019 / 11 / 01)


1 - 21




Over the past several decades, some translation instructors have integrated machine translation (MT) into their translation teaching. However, there are still some debates on the way of maximizing the pedagogical effectiveness of MT teaching. In this research, the author/instructor tries to provide an alternative approach as a paradigm shift in current MT teaching. To enhance its pedagogical effectiveness, this type of teaching uses meta-cognitive strategies to encourage students to participate in mind-on/thinking-based learning in addition to hands-on practice, and so it might. As a result, this research explores how some meta-cognitive strategies, including awareness of the thinking process and awareness of some thinking strategies, are used to have students participate in some post-editing tasks. The theory of meta-cognitive knowledge and meta-cognitive regulation are used to support this MT teaching approach. To understand student perception, the author conducted an informal interview, and the results showed that most students had a positive attitude towards the training, which justified the pedagogical effectiveness of the cognitive MT teaching. However, a small number of students raised their complaints, so the current MT teaching still needs to take some remedial measures, including the instructor's immediate assistance, the diversification of teaching materials and extension of meta-editing-practice time. Overall, despite small samples used in the present research, the metacognition-empowered MT training sheds light on the benefits of enhancing student translation competence, respecting students' subjectivity and cultivating students to become the learners who know how to use strategies to solve problems.


過去數十年來,一些翻譯教師已將機器翻譯(machine translation/MT)納入他們的翻譯教學。然而,如何強化MT的教學效果仍未有定論。於本研究中,作者(即授課教師)欲提供另一種教學方式作為典範轉移。此教學方式採用後設認知策略,鼓勵學生除了動手之外,還須參與更多動腦/基於思維之學習,以提高MT教學效益。職是之故,本研究旨在探討MT之認知教學方式如何採用思考過程之查覺與思考策略之查覺的後設認知策略,使學生參與一些後設編輯活動。後設認知知識和後設認知調節的理論可用來支持該教學方式。欲得知MT認知教學之成效,作者已實施非正式訪談,其結果顯示多數學生對後設編輯培訓持有正面態度,此證明MT認知教學方式之效益。然而,少數學生有所怨言,故目前的教學方式仍需採取一些補救措施,如教師提供即時協助、使用多樣化教材和延長練習後設編輯時間。綜而言之,儘管本研究調查樣本不大,但該後設編輯培訓之認知教學方式已從學生回應中顯示出正面之教學意涵,如提高學生翻譯能力、尊重學生主體性和培養學生成為懂得應用策略的學習者。

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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