In recent years, universities in Taiwan have been offering translation courses in response to the expanding translation industry and the increasing talent shortage. In the 101 academic year, 1,055 courses were offered in 112 departments, of which 73.5% were opened in non-translation departments. Since translation courses had long been part of foreign language teaching programs, most of these courses focused on language teaching by adopting a teacher-fronted approach to develop students' foreign language skills. However, the evident gap between classroom and industry has resulted in the underdevelopment of students' translation competence and the low learning motivation of these passive knowledge recipients. In view of this, this study regards translation as an independent discipline, and incorporates computer-aided translation (CAT), the necessary skill of the digital-age translator, into the course by using Termsoup for students to perform translation tasks. Ninety-two private university students in English Departments, who had never taken any translation courses, participated in this action research. The instructor/researcher conducted participant observation and interviews, designed and analyzed motivation questionnaires, and gathered information on students' effort and performance using the computer-assisted translation software. Qualitative coding methods and descriptive statistics were used for data analysis to examine students' translation competence and learning motivation. The results show that the integration of CAT tool into teaching activities bridges the gap between classroom and industry, with 74% of students acquire the ability to complete the translation tasks on Termsoup. In addition, the use of CAT tool enhances students' learning confidence and improves their psychological state of learning. It is suggested that incorporating other machine translation skills into future courses should help students to have a more positive view on the practicality of translation learning and greatly improve their attitude toward and motivation for learning translation.
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