Walter Benjamin's "Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers," published 1923, was meant to serve as a preface for his Baudelaire translation as well as an advocation for his theological thoughts. After decades of neglect by his contemporaries, at the rise of translation studies in 1960s, this essay has become source of inspiration for scholars in different disciplines because of its avant-garde reflections and idiosyncratic style. However, it is also the reflective mode of discourse in this essay, with intricacies of philosophical intertextuality and dialectical tensions, which compound the difficulties of reception for posterity. In order to decipher the subversive and intricate significance of the enigmatic terms in Benjamin's writing, I propose to observe Benjamin's other early writings: the 1916 essay "Über Sprache überhaupt und über die Sprache des Menschen" and the "Erkenntniskritische Vorrede" of the 1925 Trauerspiel study as a whole, for they mark the peak of Benjamins early academic achievement and share the same traits of his metaphysical-philosophical strand of thinking. With a close comparison of the three writings, I aim to map the philosophical intertextualities in the writings, with the objective to present a more comprehensive account of Benjamin's work, while providing in breadth and depth more possibilities for a re-reading and re-interpretation of Benjamin's inspiring work.
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