This paper is an exploratory study on the effectiveness of Problem-based Learning (PBL) in training basic translation skills. In order to solve the problem of students' failure to apply the instructed skills to their translation practice in the basic translation course, the researcher attempts to experimentally replace the traditional "lecturing followed by exercise" method with the PBL pedagogy, where students realize and learn basic translation skills by themselves through the process of identifying problems, solving problems, producing translations, and modifying translations, all done in groups. The effectiveness of the PBL methodology is assessed from the translation-skill performance and improvement of the 39 students taking the course. To make the translation skills specific and assessable, this study sets three pointers for evaluation: passive voice rendition, personal pronoun rendition, and when-clause rendition. The translation skills of the students are evaluated in terms of the three pointers, and the pretest and posttest performances of the students are compared to gauge their degree of progress. The progress degree is quantified using the formula: the number of mechanical translations in the pretest minus the number of mechanical translations in the posttest is the degree of progress. The data of the class are calculated and subjected to a paired t-test, and the results show a significant difference between pretest and posttest, indicating that the translation skills of the students have improved significantly. This outcome serves to confirm that PBL is an effective pedagogy in teaching basic translation skills. Besides, through this teaching practice, the researcher finds PBL's four major benefits to this specific course: improvement of students' translation quality, reduction of the instructor's lecturing load, harmony of classroom dynamics, and constructive use of smart phones. The only disadvantage is that conduction of a PBL activity is time-consuming.
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