
資產或陰影?-論A Farewell to Arms的中譯


Heritage or Baggage? -- On the Chinese Translations of A Farewell to Arms


陳榮彬(Richard Rong-bin Chen)


A Farewell to Arms ; 文學翻譯 ; 譯本 ; 誤譯 ; 抄襲 ; A Farewell to Arms ; literary translation ; versions of translation ; mistranslation ; plagiarism




25輯(2022 / 05 / 01)


97 - 113




過去八十年來,海明威經典小說A Farewell to Arms的中譯本至少有數十個,但仍無人針對這本小說的翻譯史進行全面性的建構,因此本論文聚焦在1941年林疑今以降的全譯本,指出過去八十年來最具影響力的不脫林疑今、湯新楣與宋碧雲三個版本。翻譯名家林以亮(本名宋淇)曾於湯新楣的譯本出版時為文予以介紹,並指出林疑今的譯本在出版界「獨佔了三十年」,一方主張這期間許多譯本都是受到林疑今影響,另一方面則是認為林譯有「對美國俚語體會不夠」、「不懂美國棒球運動」、「不了解意大利是天主教國家」等諸多缺點,因此湯新楣的新譯足以取代林的舊譯。透過文本比對分析,本論文主張,除了林疑今最早的全譯本之外,後來出現的湯、宋兩個譯本都成為許多後來譯者在翻譯時的參考資料,因此也不幸承襲了前代譯者們所犯下的許多翻譯錯誤。從這點看來,林、湯、宋三個譯本在很長一段時間內影響很大,是翻譯史的寶貴資產,但對於後世的譯者來講,卻也是導致他們犯錯的負擔。


In the past eighty years, A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway's classic war novel, has been retranslated into Chinese for at least dozens of times, but no one has chosen to research and shed some light on the novel's translation history. The present study will focus on the full translation versions of A Farewell to Arms since 1941, the year its first full translation was completed by Lin Yijin. After textual analysis in detail, it can be contended that, the most influential versions, besides Lin's version, have been the translations done by Tang Xinmei and Song Biyun. When Tang's version was published in 1970, Song Qi, the prestigious translator with the penname of Lin Yiliang, wrote an introduction, pointing out that Lin Yijin's version "had dominated the circle of Chinese publications for thirty years." On the one hand, Song claims that many previous translations after 1941 had been actually greatly influenced by Lin, and, on the other, Lin had not fulfilled well the translator's task, for he had known not enough about American slangs, sports, and Italy's being a Catholic country. Therefore, Lin's version should be replaced by Tang's. After a comparative study of these versions, however, it becomes evident that, besides Lin's earliest complete translation, Tang's and Song's translations have also been consulted by translators of the later generations, so the three translators' many mistranslations have all been unfortunately inherited by the latter succeeding translations. In view of this, it can be claimed that the three translations have been highly influential in an extended period of time, but the heritage they left is also a "baggage" for the later translators.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
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