


The Combination of Acupuncture and Activator Method Chiropractic Technique for Treating Lower Back Pain Caused by Sacroiliac Joint and Coccyx Subluxation: A Case Report




周漢金(Han-Chin Chou);侯毓昌(Yu-Chang Hou);黃健財(Chien-Tsai Huang)


髂關節 ; 尾骨 ; 半脫位 ; 針刺 ; 美式整脊 ; Sacroiliac joint ; Coccyx ; Subluxation ; Acupuncture ; Activator method chiropractic technique




19卷1期(2016 / 03 / 30)


159 - 170




髂關節合併尾椎骨半脫位同時並存的案例並不多見,本篇病例報告為一髂關節合併尾椎骨半脫位,引發的急性下背及臀部疼痛的實際案例,經由簡單、方便、有效的診斷,以針刺搭配美式整脊(activator methodchiropractic technique,AMCT)治療,治療後疼痛大幅減輕而且功能也逐漸恢復正常,由於該治療方式侵入性較少,較易為大眾接受,故報告本案例作為治療參考方向之一。


It is rare that sacroiliac joint subluxation combined with coccyx subluxation happened at the same time. This case report is related to one patient who suffered from the sacroiliac joint subluxation combined with coccyx subluxation which induced acute lower back pain and hip tenderness. We used simple, convenient and effective physical examination for diagnosis, and given acupuncture and American chiropractic therapy (activator method chiropractic technique, AMCT) for treatment. The therapy reduced the pain significantly and improved the impaired movement progressively. This kind of procedures is less invasive and more acceptable for the patients. We reported this case and suggest that the kind of therapy should be considered for patients.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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